Thanks, that helps.
"You save several files per frame? You can also have your own counter..."
Actually, 2 files per frame, but only on demand. The sketch I'm working on is a lumbering beast, getting maybe 1fps. That's ok, because fast animation is not what it's about. But I do have a lot of key and some mouse interaction, and it's fine (for now) if it only refreshes a lazy eye-blink later.
However, I do want the option to save an image and save all parameters in a text file, the latter which can be reloaded later to recreate the same results. The image and this preferences file need to have the same identifiers. I have most of this worked out. Envision something like 0123456789.jpg and 0123456789.txt as the matching file pair.
As I explore the image possibilities, I want to capture points of interest in the program and be able to recreate the same conditions later by loading a saved prefs file, which is cataloged and referenced by the saved image, all in a sub-directory within the sketch folder. Again, I've mostly got all that (still working on the prefs load, but I think I understand the process).
If these are named by frameCount or other runtime dependent indices, the chance increases that saved files will get overwritten eventually in subsequent work. If I explore and get to a point of interest fairly routinely within 3 to 5 minutes of playing around, eventually I'll press save at the same count as an earlier jaunt. It may be a slim chance, but I'm wanting to guarantee a non-destructive process.
Unlike making a movie from a single runtime, I will be saving files from across multiple runtimes, as well as multiple instances from a single runtime. That's why I'm trying to figure out how to ensure each file name is unique, regardless of when it's saved during a given runtime.
Too much information, I realize, for what is really a small problem. But I'm grateful for the insight into the timestamp values I was seeing. I might create my own date stamp with YearMonthDayMinuteSecondMilli, or some similar. Again, thanks!