csoundo and mousePressed method
Hello Forum
I'm a newbee, here and I'm having a bit of difficulty a “mousePressed” event. Or more specifically, I am using the Csoundo libarary in conjunction with Processing building a “Frontend GUI” to Csound. Now I can copy and recreate the effects in the downloaded examples, which download with Csoundo, see code below.
import controlP5.*; // import controlP5 library
import csoundo.*; //import the Csoundo library
ControlP5 controlP5; // controlP5 object
Csoundo cs;
void setup() {
frameRate (30);
controlP5 = new ControlP5(this);
cs = new Csoundo(this, "seven7.csd");
The problem I am having is, that the above code automaticly plays the Csound file. What I am trying to do, is to make this “file playing” conditional on the pressing of a button (bang). I have tried the “If, else” statement, the “mousePressed method” but with little sucess. My question is “Can anyone offer a little bit of advice as to the problem” Thank you for youer help and advice.