Hello, i am trying to render images or polygons with the new glgraphics integrated with P2.04, i only need (for now) to render a Ptexture, but the PTexture dosent have the Render method, as GLGraphics have in P1.51 .
Searching in the source, i realize that PTexture would render in a PGraphicsAndroid3D renderer, using a function like PGraphicsAndroid3D.drawTexture(), but i cant access to the PGraphicsAndroid3D of the surfaceView default of the render P3D in android, not like size(600,600); this.g.setTint... does (G is the PGraphics default created in the draw Applet)
so i just try to render the Ptexture in a new PGraphicsAndroid3D, but in the emulator crash.
here is my code
Searching in the source, i realize that PTexture would render in a PGraphicsAndroid3D renderer, using a function like PGraphicsAndroid3D.drawTexture(), but i cant access to the PGraphicsAndroid3D of the surfaceView default of the render P3D in android, not like size(600,600); this.g.setTint... does (G is the PGraphics default created in the draw Applet)
so i just try to render the Ptexture in a new PGraphicsAndroid3D, but in the emulator crash.
here is my code
Copy code
- PTexture a;
PGraphicsAndroid3D pg;
import processing.core.PGraphicsAndroid3D;
void setup()
size(screenWidth,screenHeight, P3D);
a = new PTexture(this,10 ,10);
pg = new PGraphicsAndroid3D();
void draw()
is there any other way to render PTexture? is PGraphicsAndroid3D.drawTexture() working? perhaps the android emulator is too weak to support PGraphicsAndroid3D, i didnt test it in my tablet o a phone.
Any help to use ptexture, PGraphicsAndroid3D would be help a lot, thank.
Sorry for my bad English
Any help to use ptexture, PGraphicsAndroid3D would be help a lot, thank.
Sorry for my bad English