Processing Forum

Copy Code

in Integration and Hardware  •  1 year ago  
Using the Copy code button, I tried to copy the code on this page:
But what I get is all on a single line, not properly formatted. Even using Auto Format doesn't help.
Is there something I can do?


Re: Copy Code

1 year ago

select it manually with the mouse and use ctrl-c
and ctrl-v

then remove "copy code" etc. in the IDE

Re: Copy Code

1 year ago
That's because the poster selected the Insert Code button, then pasted the code. That's the wrong method, people have to paste the code first, select it then click on the format button. But for me, I usually get the empty lines removed (unless they have white space in them). No perfect solution in the Zoho world.
As Chrisir said, when you have only one line number for the whole code, you have to manually select the code with the mouse (for long code, select the first few chars from the left, then Shift+Click at the end) and to use the good old Ctrl+C to copy the code (with issues if pasted in several parts...).

Re: Copy Code

1 year ago
I didn't know that - it's not obvious. But I'll do it this way now.