ControlP5 OpenGL and VLW fonts
Contributed Library Questions
1 year ago
I originally posted this to core library, but another forumite, jeff_g, thought this might be ControlP5 related. So, I am posting here hoping to catch the eye of a ControlP5 expert.
In my sketch, I am using vlw fonts in conjunction with OpenGL. I have seen other postings on the forum indicating that sometimes OpenGL and vlws do not get along. But, my error happens when I try to load a vlw into a PFont variable (successfully), then use that for the ControlFont in subsequent ControlP5 calls. The pseudocode:
So, I am not sure if it is an OpenGL or ControlP5 issue.
One more thing, **I only get the null pointer exception if the .ttf of the vlw font is not loaded into the system** So, the error goes away if I load the font. But, of course, I want to avoid doing that in my distribution. I made the vlws so I don't have to distribute the fonts, too.
The related post to this is here, it has a little bit more background:
Is this a known ControlP5 issue? Anyone here have experience dealing with something like this?