Hi, amnon and all, apologize for not sharing the problematic code!
This is what I want to viz when reading from a csv file with point data (hit F key to load a new csv file).
Two example .csv files are shared via:
The problematic and the "corrected" two sets of code are shown below.
I'm using the "enhanced for loop" rather than the backward iterator method. Anyway, pls kind advise!
1. Here's the original problematic code showing the "ConcurrentModificationException" error:
- // viz CFD simulation data
- // coded by Ji Zhang
- // http://episode-hopezh.blogspot.sg
- // Apr 2013
- //===================================================================
- import processing.opengl.*;
- import peasy.*;
- PeasyCam cam;
- import org.gicentre.utils.colour.*; // color scheme library
- ArrayList<Cell> cells = new ArrayList();
- boolean displayPt = true;
- boolean displayVec = true;
- boolean displayValue = false;
- boolean showText = true;
- boolean showColor = true;
- float vecScale = 1;
- int numCells;
- String csvFilePathAndName_str = "";
- //===================================================================
- void setup(){
- size(1000,800,OPENGL);
- smooth(8);
- //use the following to avoid pt been shown in fixed size
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // setup perspective parm
- float fov = PI/3.0; // field of view
- float nearClip = 1;
- float farClip = 100000;
- float aspect = float(width)/float(height);
- perspective(fov, aspect, nearClip, farClip);
- cam = new PeasyCam(this, 200); // the smaller the var, the close the distance to the object
- }
- //===================================================================
- void draw(){
- background(0,0,30);
- assignPtColor(cells);
- for(Cell c:cells){
- if (displayPt == true){
- c.displayPt();
- }
- }
- //_____print information on screen
- if(showText == true){
- pushMatrix();
- camera();
- noLights();
- // 2D code
- noStroke();
- fill(255,80);
- rect(0,0, width,50);
- rect(0,height-110, width,110);
- textSize(15);
- fill(0,255,0);
- text("data file : " + csvFilePathAndName_str, 15,15);
- text("num of cells : " + numCells, 15,30);
- text("vec scale : " + nfc(vecScale,1), 15,45);
- text("[f] choose csv file" , 15,height-90);
- text("[p] show/hide point" , 15,height-75);
- text("[c] B&W or color", 15,height-60);
- if (cells.size() != 0) {
- // color scheme __________________________________________________
- // define a Kelvin color scale
- ColourTable cTable = new ColourTable();
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0, 0, 0, 255); // pure Blue (Value,Red,Grn,Blu)
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.4, 206, 255, 255); // Pale blue
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.6, 238, 255, 163); // Yellow-green.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.7, 255, 255, 0); // Yellow.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.8, 240, 165, 0); // Orange.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(1, 255, 0, 0); // pure Red.
- //_____get min and max speed from the current csv file
- float speedMin = 0, speedMax = 0;
- for(Cell c:cells){
- float speed = c.speed;
- if(speed <= speedMin){
- speedMin = speed;
- } else if (speed > speedMax){
- speedMax = speed;
- }
- }
- // draw color legend
- int numBand = 20;
- int bandHeight = 20;
- int bandWidth = 10;
- for (int i=0; i<numBand; i++){
- color c = cTable.findColour(map(i, numBand-1,0, 0,1));
- noStroke();
- fill(c);
- rect(width-bandWidth*(numBand-i)-10, height-bandHeight-10, bandWidth,bandHeight);
- }
- textSize(15);
- fill(0,255,0);
- text(nfc(speedMax,2) + "m/s", width-bandWidth*numBand-50, height-bandHeight-10);
- text(0, width-10, height-bandHeight-10);
- }
- popMatrix();
- }
- }
- class Cell{
- //_____variables
- int id;
- PVector location = new PVector();
- PVector velocity = new PVector();
- float speed;
- float speed_min;
- float speed_max;
- color ptColor;
- float ptSize = 1;
- //==============================================
- void displayPt(){
- if(showColor==true){
- stroke(ptColor);
- } else {stroke(255);}
- strokeWeight(ptSize);
- point(location.x, location.y, location.z);
- }
- }
- void loadCFD(File selection){
- if (selection == null) {
- println("Window was closed or the user hit cancel."); // Do nothing.
- } else {
- csvFilePathAndName_str = selection.getAbsolutePath(); //get csv file path and name
- Table t = loadTable(csvFilePathAndName_str); //create a Table object to store csv file data
- numCells = t.getRowCount() - 6; //exclude the top 6 rows
- cells = new ArrayList();
- //____create cell objects
- for(int i=0; i<numCells; i++){
- Cell c = new Cell();
- cells.add(c);
- c.id = i;
- c.location.x = -t.getFloat(i+6, 0); // x of the poping start point
- c.location.y = -t.getFloat(i+6, 2); // get y position from the "Z" colume in csv
- c.location.z = t.getFloat(i+6, 1); // get z position from the "Y" colume in csv
- c.velocity.x = -t.getFloat(i+6, 5); // get x velocity component
- c.velocity.y = -t.getFloat(i+6, 7); // get y velocity component from the "Z" colume in csv
- c.velocity.z = t.getFloat(i+6, 6); // get z velocity component from the "Y" colume in csv
- c.speed = t.getFloat(i+6, 4); // get speed(velcocity magnitude)
- }
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void assignPtColor(ArrayList<Cell> cells){// note the ArrayList<Cell> part!!!
- float speedMin = 0, speedMax = 0;
- //_____get min and max speed from the current csv file
- for(Cell c:cells){
- float speed = c.speed;
- if(speed <= speedMin){
- speedMin = speed;
- } else if (speed > speedMax){
- speedMax = speed;
- }
- }
- //_____define a Kelvin color scale2
- ColourTable cTable = new ColourTable();
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0, 0, 0, 255); // pure Blue (Value,Red,Grn,Blu)
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.4, 206, 255, 255); // Pale blue
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.6, 238, 255, 163); // Yellow-green.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.7, 255, 255, 0); // Yellow.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.8, 240, 165, 0); // Orange.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(1, 255, 0, 0); // pure Red.
- //_____assign color to pt by its speed mapped to overall speedMin & speedMax
- for(Cell c:cells){
- c.ptColor = cTable.findColour(map(c.speed, speedMin, speedMax, 0, 1));
- }
- }
- void keyPressed(){
- if ( key == 'f' ) {
- selectInput("select a new .csv file", "loadCFD");
- }
- if ( key == 'p' ) {
- displayPt = (displayPt == true) ? (false):(true);
- }
- if ( key == '=' ) {
- vecScale += 0.2;
- }
- if ( key == '-' ) {
- vecScale -= 0.2;
- }
- if ( key == 'h' ) {
- showText = (showText == true) ? (false):(true);
- }
- if ( key == 'c' ) {
- showColor = (showColor == true) ? (false):(true);
- }
- }
2. Here's the modified code with the temp ArrayList added in the function reading new data file (line 147 & 167)
- // viz CFD simulation data
- // coded by Ji Zhang
- // http://episode-hopezh.blogspot.sg
- // Apr 2013
- import processing.opengl.*;
- import peasy.*;
- PeasyCam cam;
- import org.gicentre.utils.colour.*; // color scheme library
- ArrayList<Cell> cells = new ArrayList();
- boolean displayPt = true;
- boolean displayVec = true;
- boolean displayValue = false;
- boolean showText = true;
- boolean showColor = true;
- float vecScale = 1;
- int numCells;
- String csvFilePathAndName_str = "";
- void setup(){
- size(1000,800,OPENGL);
- smooth(8);
- //use the following to avoid pt been shown in fixed size
- // setup perspective parm
- float fov = PI/3.0; // field of view
- float nearClip = 1;
- float farClip = 100000;
- float aspect = float(width)/float(height);
- perspective(fov, aspect, nearClip, farClip);
- cam = new PeasyCam(this, 200); // the smaller the var, the close the distance to the object
- }
- void draw(){
- background(0,0,30);
- assignPtColor(cells);
- for(Cell c:cells){
- if (displayPt == true){
- c.displayPt();
- }
- }
- //_____print information on screen
- if(showText == true){
- pushMatrix();
- camera();
- noLights();
- // 2D code
- noStroke();
- fill(255,80);
- rect(0,0, width,50);
- rect(0,height-110, width,110);
- textSize(15);
- fill(0,255,0);
- text("data file : " + csvFilePathAndName_str, 15,15);
- text("num of cells : " + numCells, 15,30);
- text("vec scale : " + nfc(vecScale,1), 15,45);
- text("[f] choose csv file" , 15,height-90);
- text("[p] show/hide point" , 15,height-75);
- text("[c] B&W or color", 15,height-60);
- if (cells.size() != 0) {
- // color scheme __________________________________________________
- // define a Kelvin color scale
- ColourTable cTable = new ColourTable();
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0, 0, 0, 255); // pure Blue (Value,Red,Grn,Blu)
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.4, 206, 255, 255); // Pale blue
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.6, 238, 255, 163); // Yellow-green.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.7, 255, 255, 0); // Yellow.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.8, 240, 165, 0); // Orange.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(1, 255, 0, 0); // pure Red.
- //_____get min and max speed from the current csv file
- float speedMin = 0, speedMax = 0;
- for(Cell c:cells){
- float speed = c.speed;
- if(speed <= speedMin){
- speedMin = speed;
- } else if (speed > speedMax){
- speedMax = speed;
- }
- }
- // draw color legend
- int numBand = 20;
- int bandHeight = 20;
- int bandWidth = 10;
- for (int i=0; i<numBand; i++){
- color c = cTable.findColour(map(i, numBand-1,0, 0,1));
- noStroke();
- fill(c);
- rect(width-bandWidth*(numBand-i)-10, height-bandHeight-10, bandWidth,bandHeight);
- }
- textSize(15);
- fill(0,255,0);
- text(nfc(speedMax,2) + "m/s", width-bandWidth*numBand-50, height-bandHeight-10);
- text(0, width-10, height-bandHeight-10);
- }
- popMatrix();
- }
- }
- class Cell{
- //_____variables
- int id;
- PVector location = new PVector();
- PVector velocity = new PVector();
- float speed;
- float speed_min;
- float speed_max;
- color ptColor;
- float ptSize = 1;
- //==============================================
- void displayPt(){
- if(showColor==true){
- stroke(ptColor);
- } else {stroke(255);}
- strokeWeight(ptSize);
- point(location.x, location.y, location.z);
- }
- }
- void loadCFD(File selection){
- if (selection == null) {
- println("Window was closed or the user hit cancel."); // Do nothing.
- } else {
- csvFilePathAndName_str = selection.getAbsolutePath(); //get csv file path and name
- Table t = loadTable(csvFilePathAndName_str); //create a Table object to store csv file data
- numCells = t.getRowCount() - 6; //exclude the top 6 rows
- ArrayList<Cell> tempCells = new ArrayList();
- //____create cell objects
- for(int i=0; i<numCells; i++){
- Cell c = new Cell();
- tempCells.add(c);
- c.id = i;
- c.location.x = -t.getFloat(i+6, 0); // x of the poping start point
- c.location.y = -t.getFloat(i+6, 2); // get y position from the "Z" colume in csv
- c.location.z = t.getFloat(i+6, 1); // get z position from the "Y" colume in csv
- c.velocity.x = -t.getFloat(i+6, 5); // get x velocity component
- c.velocity.y = -t.getFloat(i+6, 7); // get y velocity component from the "Z" colume in csv
- c.velocity.z = t.getFloat(i+6, 6); // get z velocity component from the "Y" colume in csv
- c.speed = t.getFloat(i+6, 4); // get speed(velcocity magnitude)
- }
- cells = tempCells;
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void assignPtColor(ArrayList<Cell> cells){// note the ArrayList<Cell> part!!!
- float speedMin = 0, speedMax = 0;
- //_____get min and max speed from the current csv file
- for(Cell c:cells){
- float speed = c.speed;
- if(speed <= speedMin){
- speedMin = speed;
- } else if (speed > speedMax){
- speedMax = speed;
- }
- }
- //_____define a Kelvin color scale2
- ColourTable cTable = new ColourTable();
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0, 0, 0, 255); // pure Blue (Value,Red,Grn,Blu)
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.4, 206, 255, 255); // Pale blue
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.6, 238, 255, 163); // Yellow-green.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.7, 255, 255, 0); // Yellow.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(0.8, 240, 165, 0); // Orange.
- cTable.addContinuousColourRule(1, 255, 0, 0); // pure Red.
- //_____assign color to pt by its speed mapped to overall speedMin & speedMax
- for(Cell c:cells){
- c.ptColor = cTable.findColour(map(c.speed, speedMin, speedMax, 0, 1));
- }
- }
- void keyPressed(){
- if ( key == 'f' ) {
- selectInput("select a new .csv file", "loadCFD");
- }
- if ( key == 'p' ) {
- displayPt = (displayPt == true) ? (false):(true);
- }
- if ( key == '=' ) {
- vecScale += 0.2;
- }
- if ( key == '-' ) {
- vecScale -= 0.2;
- }
- if ( key == 'h' ) {
- showText = (showText == true) ? (false):(true);
- }
- if ( key == 'c' ) {
- showColor = (showColor == true) ? (false):(true);
- }
- }