Processing Forum
I'm trying to make Processing 2 communicate with a Haxe application (targeting flash), what would be the best way to do so?
Ultimately I was trying to make Haxe and Arduino communicate, but using Processing as a bridge seemed a good a option.

I've tried writing a local file with Haxe and reading with Processing, but I only got File Not Found exceptions.

Do any one have a good solution for this?
Thank you for the attention.


"I've tried writing a local file with Haxe and reading with Processing, but I only got File Not Found exceptions."
Yes, it happens, particularly when the path you give is relative, to a location you hadn't specified.
Try to use an absolute path, for example.
Hello, thanks for the response.

I already found the answer. I'm using sockets to communicate Haxe and Processing.

Someone on Stack Overflow helped me with that.

Thank you for the attention and the reply.