Processing Forum

I'm an interaction designer and am currently working on an audio visual installation called 'Beautiful Pollution.' I'm using the output from a gas sensor controlled by an arduino to create algorithmic patterns over time within processing- this is the visual side which I have no problem with.

The problem is that I also want the readings from the gas sensor to activate clips and audio effects I have within ableton live, though after some research I have found this is more difficult than I first anticipated. 

Could anyone tell me the best/easiest method for achieving this??

Much appreciated, Oli


In general, I would use either rwMidi or midiBus (I prefer rwMidi) to send midi noteOn/Off and midi control messages to Ableton.

If you are using a Mac running Snow Leopard or earlier, you will also need the Mandolane MIDI SPI.


You can try OSC, too.
Using the library OSCp5, you can send messages to Ableton Live...
I've never tried that link Processing > Live, but it works for me with Processing > Max/MSP and Max/MSP > Live, for example...

thanks very much for getting back to me so quickly guys!

I'm using lion so i'll be which method works best and let you know how I get on.

cheers, oil
Hello again jbum, I've had a look at both the miniBus and rwMidi websites and don't have no idea what I'm looking for. I know I'm being ignorant but I have no music background and am totally new to midi.

If you could give me a step by step guide to getting started it would be greatly appreciated!!

thanks again, oil

We have done this using OSC (via the  OSCp5 library ) and a little program called Osculator (http://www.osculator.net/) that translates the OSC messages into MIDI that Live can understand. 
Hi Oli,

I've done with The MidiBus ( http://smallbutdigital.com/themidibus.php), sending slider values to Ableton Live (MIDI 0-127 scale).

Alexandre Rangel