commission to write program
Events and Opportunities
1 year ago
Hello I wondered if anyone would be interested in taking a commission to write a program using processing.
The program should be quite straight forward for all you cHipsters.
The graphic interface should communicate with arduino to propel two stepper motors. The microprocessor is a Arduino Uno which connects to two microstepping drivers. The stepper motors are bipolar NEMA 23's. The design will need to have two tabs.
1. a simple 4 button interface which instructs the motor to move forward, backwards, left and right AT A SET DISTANCE OF 29.5 cm. The motor should increase speed and decrease up to its destination.
2 the second tab should allow me to propel the motors manually. again forward, backwards left and right buttons would be required.
If you think you are up to it and would be interested in taking this project on, then please email or call 07828 059 474 (UK) to discuss the project further and to discuss a fee.
Kind regards, arthur