Sorry about posting the message in the wrong category but thanks for moving it to the correct one.
Sure I am aware about money making authors who wrote books about Processing. Seventeen of those books I have bought myself. But eight of the authors are people who are more or less directly involved into the developing of Processing. So I think that’s fine if they make money with those books. I will gladly support them.
The question I have is that if you develop a programming language (or whatever) is it ethically right that other people use that programming language and make money with it without paying a small amount of fee to the developers. At least I am not aware of the fact that Lynda.com pays money to the developers of Processing. But maybe the word ethical doesn’t exist in a commercial environment ,-)
Another thing is that developing a programming language might be much more complicated and time consuming than writing a course or tutorial to learn that specific language. So money-wise I think it is a little out of balance. But maybe I am wrong. It’s just a thought which came up after I did the Processing course at Lynda.com myself.
Thanks for the reply,
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Henk Lamers