Changing Colour of Boxes According to Sensor Data from Arduino
Integration and Hardware
1 year ago
Hi, I am new to Processing and am currently using it for my final year project for my degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering. I am working on developing an Intelligent Car Park System using Arduino + XBee + Processing. With the system, drivers can easily look for parking spots in a car park using their mobile devices without having to waste time looking for parking spots manually.
My plan is to have data read from the motion sensors on the Arduino end and have the data read and analyzed on Processing. I have included boxes in my Processing layout (to indicate parking spots), and I wish to have the boxes change colours indicating the availability of parking berths in a car park.
As I am new to Processing, I do not know how I can change the data read from Arduino into information that can automatically change the colour of the boxes in the Processing layout (eg. box colour changed to red when parking spot is occupied, and green when parking spot is vacant).
I really appreciate every help possible. Thank you in advance!