Ya I am talking about MSAFluidDemo application only.Its default background is black n i want to change it to some other color but not getting how to do this I tried background() function in draw() function too but it shows the changed color only at the start of application n again the color turns back to black.
Here is the some part of code:
import msafluid.*;
//import fullscreen.*;
import processing.opengl.*;
import javax.media.opengl.*;
final float FLUID_WIDTH = 120;
float invWidth, invHeight; // inverse of screen dimensions
float aspectRatio, aspectRatio2;
MSAFluidSolver2D fluidSolver;
ParticleSystem particleSystem;
PImage imgFluid;
boolean drawFluid = true;
//FullScreen fs;
void setup()
size(1024,768,OPENGL); // use OPENGL rendering for bilinear filtering on texture
// size(screen.width * 49/50, screen.height * 49/50, OPENGL);
hint( ENABLE_OPENGL_4X_SMOOTH ); // Turn on 4X antialiasing
// fs = new FullScreen(this);
// fs.enter();
invWidth = 1.0f/width;
invHeight = 1.0f/height;
aspectRatio = width * invHeight;
aspectRatio2 = aspectRatio * aspectRatio;
// create fluid and set options
fluidSolver = new MSAFluidSolver2D((int)(FLUID_WIDTH), (int)(FLUID_WIDTH * height/width));
// create image to hold fluid picture
imgFluid = createImage(fluidSolver.getWidth(), fluidSolver.getHeight(), RGB);
// create particle system
particleSystem = new ParticleSystem();
// init TUIO
void draw()
background(0,120,234); //even doing this does not work
for(int i=0; i<fluidSolver.getNumCells(); i++)
int d = 2;
imgFluid.pixels[i] = color(fluidSolver.r[i] * d, fluidSolver.g[i] * d, fluidSolver.b[i] * d);
image(imgFluid, 0, 0, width, height);
// add force and dye to fluid, and create particles
void addForce(float x, float y, float dx, float dy)
// balance the x and y components of speed with the screen aspect ratio
float speed = dx * dx + dy * dy * aspectRatio2;
if(speed > 0)
x = 0;
else if(x>1)
x = 1;
y = 0;
else if(y>1)
y = 1;
float colorMult = 5;
float velocityMult = 50.0f;
int index = fluidSolver.getIndexForNormalizedPosition(x, y);
color drawColor;
colorMode(HSB, 360, 1, 1);
float hue = ( (x+y)*180 ) % 360;
// float saturation = (x*90)%360;
// float brightness = (y*90)%360;
drawColor = color(hue,1,1);
colorMode(RGB, 1);
fluidSolver.rOld[index] += red(drawColor) * colorMult;
fluidSolver.rOld[index] += (drawColor>> 16 & 0xFF) *colorMult;
fluidSolver.gOld[index] += green(drawColor) * colorMult;
fluidSolver.bOld[index] += blue(drawColor) * colorMult;
particleSystem.addParticles(x * width, y * height, 10);
fluidSolver.uOld[index] += dx * velocityMult;
fluidSolver.vOld[index] += dy * velocityMult;
If anyone have any idea then please suggest me how to do this.