I have a font that I can load using this:
- import processing.pdf.*;
- size(600, 600);
- beginRecord(PDF, "line.pdf");
- PFont.list();
- PFont din = createFont("DINLight.ttf", 30);
- background(255);
- stroke(0, 20);
- strokeWeight(20.0);
- line(200, 0, 400, height);
- textMode(SHAPE);
- textFont(din, 30);
- fill(0);
- text("testing DIN ", 400, 400);
- endRecord();
But in my actual sketch, much larger, and developed in Eclipse, I can't load the font without gettting:
The font “" + which.getName() + "” cannot be used with PDF Export."
Anyone else run into this? I'd rather not have to put everything into Proc. IDE just to use the font, but I can't get anything other than Arial in my main sketch :|