Yes, I've found this too. A good
tutorial on making Java programs portable with Launch4J can be found on the Informit-Site. Helas, it didn't help me on making it work ;) I can't make it find the main class. With JSmooth at least this worked ^^ Any ideas?
Edit: Oh this was so easy....
This is the xml if anyone cares to examine, nothing fancy. The important thing was to add both jars, core.jar and my .jar and provide the class name wich is simply the name of the sketchbook-file. I simply copied the processing java directory into mine and that's all there is to it. The jdkonly pref was only for testing purposes. Normally I wouldn't do this, but allow to use the installed version if found.
- - <launch4jConfig>
<errTitle />
<cmdLine />
<supportUrl />
<manifest />
<icon />
- <classPath>
- <jre>
<maxVersion />
Of course now my pal asked me to have a ONE FILE ONLY solution. Unfortunately I had to send him to hell ;)