is me again, and because od the 0 replay's i will ask again two questions that i have already asked,
that are:
can i do:
HashMap<Integer,HashMap<Integet,boolean>> asd = HashMap<Integer,HashMap<Integet,boolean>>
if it s possible something similar let me know, and tell me how can i add and remove thing from the hash map inside
of the hashmap.
now i gonna explain why i need this:
imagine a rdge that is compost from 2 vertices, so each time i create the a triangle(3 edjes) i want to know if theid the edje already exist in other triangle.
so i want this hash map do hold all edjes existen(to the goal of not create equal edjes).(edje = 2 vertices(id:integer)).
the other question is:
how can i do this:
for(Map.Entry me : o.verts.entrySet()) {
int i =getKey();;
plz help me
if somebody is kind enought to speak too me my skype name is
sorry for the bad english.