just for completeness I show a code that circles the cam; press any key to change lookAt
Anyway, I recommend using the exact positions of the text circles in the image.
put them as 3D values in the cams position.
After that put the next value (next circle) as 3D values in the cams lookAt.
So when you have an array write in draw the following:
- index ++; // global var
- if (index-1 >= maxIndex) {
- index=0;
- }
the cam pos get from:
cam lookAt get from:
to alter speed
instead of index++ try index += 3;
you could lerp between two points (arrCircleCenters[i] and arrCircleCenters[i+1] ) to make it smoother
here the
obsolete code, the very last lines (from 146) are interesting;
press any key to change lookAt
- import shapes3d.utils.*;
- import shapes3d.org.apache.commons.math.util.*;
- import shapes3d.org.apache.commons.math.*;
- import shapes3d.org.apache.commons.math.geometry.*;
- import shapes3d.*;
- // =========================================================================
- // Lamppost
- int ZentraleStange_XValue = 250; // nach rechts
- int ZentraleStange_YValue = 330; // nach unten
- int ZentraleStange_ZValue = -150; // nach hinten
- // Lamppost
- int TiefeQuerbalken = 122;
- // hanging basket
- int HoeheEinesBlumenkastens = 20;
- int TiefeEinesBlumenkastens = 122;
- int BreiteEinesBlumenkastens = 50;
- // hanging basket
- Cone cone;
- Ellipsoid [] ellipsoid = new Ellipsoid [4];
- String actualTextMessage = "Use 0,1,2,3 for Camera";
- String actualTextMessage2 = "Camera circles at constant height";
- // ==================================================================
- // Kamerasteuerung:
- final int CheckCamera_Type_SinusLevel = 0; // rotates
- final int CheckCamera_Type_SinusSpirale = 1; // Spirale
- final int CheckCamera_Type_SinusMouse = 2; // Mouse
- final int CheckCamera_Type_SinusPath = 3; // Path
- float Angle = 0.0; // Angle bei Kreis
- float Height = 330; // Höhe der Kamera über der Szene
- int HeightAdd = 2; // wird bei Spirale zu der Höhe der Kamera addiert
- float Radius = 70.0; // Anfangsradius des Kreises
- // Art des Kameraverhaltens
- int CheckCamera_Type = CheckCamera_Type_SinusSpirale;
- // Camera
- int LookAtX;
- int LookAtY;
- int LookAtZ;
- // Camera with Path Behaviour (CheckCamera_Type = 3)
- boolean boolGoesOnAPath = true;
- float PathValue;
- float PathValueMaximal = 95.0;
- // ==========================================================
- void setup() {
- size(600, 600, P3D);
- // Grass
- // initGrass();
- // LookAt
- LookAtX=ZentraleStange_XValue;
- LookAtY= ZentraleStange_YValue;
- LookAtZ= ZentraleStange_ZValue;
- // hanging baskets
- for (int i = 0; i < ellipsoid.length; i = i+1) {
- ellipsoid[i] = new Ellipsoid(this, 40, 40);
- ellipsoid[i].drawMode(Shape3D.SOLID);
- ellipsoid[i].setRadius(12, 7, 12);
- ellipsoid[i].moveTo(ZentraleStange_XValue, ZentraleStange_YValue+40, ZentraleStange_ZValue-(TiefeQuerbalken/2)+5);
- }
- ellipsoid[0].moveTo(ZentraleStange_XValue, ZentraleStange_YValue+40, ZentraleStange_ZValue-(TiefeQuerbalken/2)-1);
- ellipsoid[1].moveTo(ZentraleStange_XValue, ZentraleStange_YValue+40, ZentraleStange_ZValue+(TiefeQuerbalken/2)-1);
- ellipsoid[2].moveTo(ZentraleStange_XValue-(TiefeQuerbalken/2)+0, ZentraleStange_YValue+40, ZentraleStange_ZValue);
- ellipsoid[3].moveTo(ZentraleStange_XValue+(TiefeQuerbalken/2)+0, ZentraleStange_YValue+40, ZentraleStange_ZValue);
- } // function
- void draw() {
- background(153);
- textMode(SCREEN);
- fill(242);
- //text(actualTextMessage + " (now: " + actualTextMessage2 + ").", 10, 30);
- //CheckCamera();
- CheckCameraSinusLevel();
- // Grass();
- stroke(22);
- PaintLamppost();
- Angle=Angle+1.0;
- if (boolGoesOnAPath) {
- PathValue=PathValue+1;
- }
- PaintHangingBasket();
- }
- // =====================================================================
- void PaintHangingBasket () {
- // Schleife!
- for (int i = 0; i < ellipsoid.length; i = i+1) {
- stroke(22);
- // Blumenkasten
- ellipsoid[i].fill(color(72, 66, 44));
- ellipsoid[i].draw();
- stroke(22);
- // je zwei Drähte
- line (ellipsoid[i].x()-10, ellipsoid[i].y(), ellipsoid[i].z(),
- ellipsoid[i].x(), ellipsoid[i].y()-43, ellipsoid[i].z());
- line (ellipsoid[i].x()+10, ellipsoid[i].y(), ellipsoid[i].z(),
- ellipsoid[i].x(), ellipsoid[i].y()-43, ellipsoid[i].z());
- // je drei Blumen
- pushMatrix();
- translate (ellipsoid[i].x(), ellipsoid[i].y()-17, ellipsoid[i].z());
- scale(.2);
- rotateY(.7);
- //Flower(1, 1, +200, 17, 3);
- popMatrix();
- pushMatrix();
- translate (ellipsoid[i].x()-2, ellipsoid[i].y()-17, ellipsoid[i].z()-2);
- scale(.25);
- rotateY(2*PI-.2);
- //Flower(1, 1, ellipsoid[i].x()-22, ellipsoid[i].y()+117, ellipsoid[i].z()-21);
- popMatrix();
- pushMatrix();
- translate (ellipsoid[i].x()+2.2, ellipsoid[i].y()-17, ellipsoid[i].z()-2.3);
- rotateY(1.32);
- scale(.23);
- //Flower(1, 1, +2, 7, 221);
- popMatrix();
- } // for
- } // SR
- // =====================================================================
- void PaintLamppost () {
- // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_light
- // central lamppost
- pushMatrix();
- int Hoehe = 220;
- fill(190, 3, 3);
- translate(ZentraleStange_XValue-0,
- ZentraleStange_YValue+(Hoehe / 2),
- ZentraleStange_ZValue-0);
- rotateY(0.0);
- box(11, Hoehe, 11);
- popMatrix();
- // Querbalken 1
- pushMatrix();
- fill(9, 3, 233);
- translate(ZentraleStange_XValue,
- ZentraleStange_YValue,
- ZentraleStange_ZValue);
- rotateY(0.0);
- box(11, 11, TiefeQuerbalken);
- popMatrix();
- // Querbalken 2
- pushMatrix();
- fill(9, 9, 223);
- translate(ZentraleStange_XValue,
- ZentraleStange_YValue,
- ZentraleStange_ZValue-0);
- rotateY(radians(90.0));
- box(11, 11, TiefeQuerbalken);
- popMatrix();
- }
- void CheckCameraSinusLevel () {
- // Rotates in "Height"
- if (keyPressed) {
- // look to scene (center)
- camera (
- Radius*sin (radians(Angle)) + ZentraleStange_XValue, Height, Radius* cos (radians(Angle)) + ZentraleStange_ZValue,
- ZentraleStange_XValue, ZentraleStange_YValue, ZentraleStange_ZValue,
- 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
- }
- else {
- // look ahead
- camera (
- Radius*sin (radians(Angle)) + ZentraleStange_XValue, Height, Radius* cos (radians(Angle)) + ZentraleStange_ZValue,
- Radius*sin (radians(Angle+5)) + ZentraleStange_XValue, Height, Radius* cos (radians(Angle+5)) + ZentraleStange_ZValue,
- 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
- }
- }