Processing Forum
I have done quite a bit of revision to my library that now allows processing sketches to be PovRAY ray-traced from the processing ide. With a conservative quality, setting scenes are traced almost immediately, otherwise you can watch them being rendered in a PovRAY window before they are displayed in the sketch window. Get the new library here  https://github.com/monkstone/povrender/wiki or clone the project if you'd like to get involved (particularly any MAC users). The old library is still available at java.net, as this version is incompatible with the old version I intend to keep the old version available, just in case you had the old library, tried the new version and want to revert back.


Well not too much of response here yet then, in the meantime I've done some further revisions to my library now at version 0.61, here is a little povray rendered processing sketch to whet your appetite:-

This combines both of my processing libraries to good effect.The processing sketh uses 3D line which now render quite well with processing 2.0, however to use my library you need to be using processing 1.5.1 (or less). In povray lines are rendered as a blob. See my blog for description.
Announcing a somewhat revised povwriter library is now vailable for testing/usage at java.net. Features built in (gui, just a button). If you can't access that for any reason just press the 'r' key as in previous version.

Once again I'm looking for testers of my povwriter library, now updated to work with processing-2.0b8 see my blog. I have reverted to hosting development for this library at java.net, owing to the demise of download support at github. Also this library now replaces the original povwriter library (which is still available as a zip download). I intend that this library will be available for download from the processing ide, for now just unzip in the libraries folder. Installation of template files is achieved by "running" the included installer example. Other included examples make use of the new PShape api.