called a method from a class written in javaeclipse in processing
Programming Questions
1 year ago
Please help me, I have a small HTTP server written in java eclipse that I integrate into processing (I imported the library of small HTTP and I put it in the library processing), I executed processing then the http server starts and I run a web page (client) or I will write a message, it will be displayed on the console, but I want my interface retrieved from the processing that I'm the poster (typography of text), so I actually called the class that displays the message in my console (it is a class library add processing) and I call'd a getteur processing of this class in the draw () -> (t = maclasse.getmessage Sting), and performs processing when the server starts but this is an exception (nullpointer. ..) that means the message retrieved and null but it is always null, I do not understand! ! why not retrieve the message and yet it is displayed in the console processing for help please