Button detection not working for some reason
Programming Questions
2 months ago
I'm making a calculator as a beginning project. Everything has been going fine until I got to programming the buttons. When I tried to implement button hover detection instead of detecting over the button it detected over the screen (number output).
My code is below:
- import java.text.NumberFormat;
- import java.text.DecimalFormat;
- PFont f;
- final int topRowYPos = 80;
- final int secondRowYPos = 110;
- final int thirdRowYPos = 140;
- final int fourthRowYPos = 170;
- final int fithRowYPos = 200;
- final int sixthRowYPos = 230;
- final int buttonWidth = 35;
- final int buttonHeight = 25;
- final int firstRowXPos = 45;
- final int secondRowXPos = 85;
- final int thirdRowXPos = 125;
- final int fourthRowXPos = 165;
- final int fithRowXPos = 205;
- int digitCount;
- boolean isDecimal;
- double numOneBuffer;
- double numTwoBuffer;
- double screenBuffer;
- double numMemorY;
- Button mc = new Button(firstRowXPos, secondRowYPos);
- Button percent = new Button(firstRowXPos, thirdRowYPos);
- NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("0.0000000");
- void setup() {
- size(250, 280);
- }
- void draw() {
- if (mc.overButton()) {
- println("Over MC");
- }
- screenBuffer = 00.111;
- rectMode(CENTER);
- fill(255);
- rect(125, 140, 240, 270);
- rect(125, 40, 220, 30);
- rect(firstRowXPos, secondRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(firstRowXPos, thirdRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(firstRowXPos, fourthRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(firstRowXPos, fithRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(firstRowXPos, sixthRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(secondRowXPos, secondRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(secondRowXPos, thirdRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(secondRowXPos, fourthRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(secondRowXPos, fithRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(secondRowXPos, sixthRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(thirdRowXPos, secondRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(thirdRowXPos, thirdRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(thirdRowXPos, fourthRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(thirdRowXPos, fithRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(thirdRowXPos, sixthRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(fourthRowXPos, topRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(fourthRowXPos, secondRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(fourthRowXPos, thirdRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(fourthRowXPos, fourthRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(fourthRowXPos, fithRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(fourthRowXPos, sixthRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(fithRowXPos, topRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(fithRowXPos, secondRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(fithRowXPos, thirdRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(fithRowXPos, fourthRowYPos, buttonWidth, buttonHeight, 7);
- rect(fithRowXPos, 215, buttonWidth, 55, 7);
- f = createFont("Georgia", 16);
- textFont(f);
- textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
- fill(0);
- text("MC", firstRowXPos, secondRowYPos);
- text("%", firstRowXPos, thirdRowYPos);
- text("+/-", firstRowXPos, fourthRowYPos);
- text("C", firstRowXPos, fithRowYPos);
- text("AC", firstRowXPos, sixthRowYPos);
- text("MR", secondRowXPos, secondRowYPos);
- text("7", secondRowXPos, thirdRowYPos);
- text("4", secondRowXPos, fourthRowYPos);
- text("1", secondRowXPos, fithRowYPos);
- text("0", secondRowXPos, sixthRowYPos);
- text("M-", thirdRowXPos, secondRowYPos);
- text("8", thirdRowXPos, thirdRowYPos);
- text("5", thirdRowXPos, fourthRowYPos);
- text("2", thirdRowXPos, fithRowYPos);
- text("=", thirdRowXPos, sixthRowYPos);
- text("√", fourthRowXPos, topRowYPos);
- text("M+", fourthRowXPos, secondRowYPos);
- text("9", fourthRowXPos, thirdRowYPos);
- text("6", fourthRowXPos, fourthRowYPos);
- text("3", fourthRowXPos, fithRowYPos);
- text(".", fourthRowXPos, sixthRowYPos);
- text("off", fithRowXPos, topRowYPos);
- text("÷", fithRowXPos, secondRowYPos);
- text("*", fithRowXPos, thirdRowYPos);
- text("-", fithRowXPos, fourthRowYPos);
- text("+", fithRowXPos, 215);
- text(formatter.format(screenBuffer), 125, 40);
- }
- void mousePressed() {
- String debugString = mouseX +","+ mouseY;
- println(debugString);
- }
- class Button {
- final int buttonWidth = 35;
- final int buttonHeight = 25;
- int xPos, yPos;
- Button (int y, int x) {
- xPos = x;
- yPos = y;
- }
- boolean overButton() {
- if (mouseX >= xPos && mouseX <= xPos+buttonWidth &&
- mouseY >= yPos && mouseY <= yPos+buttonHeight) {
- return true;
- }
- else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }