Processing Forum
Hello, I tried to build sketch in command line, but just keep getting errors.. 

with command:
Copy code
  1. ./processing-java --sketch=/home/ian/Documents/sketch/test --output=/home/ian/Documents/sketch/tmp --force --run

I get the output:
Copy code
  1. readlink: unrecognized option '--sketch'
  2. Try `readlink --help' for more information.

  3. Command line edition for Processing 0215 (Java Mode)

  4. --help                          Show this help text. Congratulations.

  5. --sketch=<name>      Specify the sketch folder (required)
  6. --output=<name>      Specify the output folder (required and
  7.                                    cannot be the same as the sketch folder.)

  8. --force                       The sketch will not build if the output
  9.                                   folder already exists, because the contents
  10.                                   will be replaced. This option erases the
  11.                                   folder first. Use with extreme caution!

  12. --build                       Preprocess and compile a sketch into .class files.
  13. --run                         Preprocess, compile, and run a sketch.
  14. --present                 Preprocess, compile, and run a sketch full screen.

  15. --export                   Export an application.
  16. --platform                Specify the platform (export to application only).
  17.                                 Should be one of 'windows', 'macosx', or 'linux'.
  18. --bits                       Must be specified if libraries are used that are
  19.                                 32- or 64-bit specific such as the OpenGL library.
  20.                                 Otherwise specify 0 or leave it out.

  21. I don't know anything about --sketch.

Here is my platform:
OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Processing: 2.0 beta 7
Java:  version "1.7.0_10"

I tried with the included java and java downloaded from oracle's site, all get the same error message. 

Any reply would be appreciated!


The command line building works in Windows but fails in Ubuntu on my PC
Works for me on ArchLinux and Kubuntu-12.10 I can't imagine there's any reason why it is different for you. PS readlink messages seem to be completely irrelevant.
Suddenly, it works now.. The readlink message still shows up though, which does not prevent the sketch from running. I'm gonna test it to see if it work. Thank you anyway!