so question about blendMode - im using 2.0b7 and trying to get something to appear as i think it should appear
have this simple shape comprised of many separate vertex calls, here with solid colors and no blendMode
simple enough, 3 tri's on the top and bottom, with a plane in the middle between them - all separate colors
so i add blendMode(MULTIPLY) which SHOULD just darken all the colors that are overlapping:
and now it appears everything got lighter and some shapes arent even represented (there is a triangle behind the purple and yellow ones on top that should (in theory) be also calculated in the multiply)
(also notice that the controls im using look different too!)
so, question - why isnt multiply making my colors darker?
and then generally - is order of vertex creation important for which planes are drawn? if i hide the front yellow plane i can see the back plane just fine, but when using blendMode its colors arent used at all. does the order of objects being drawn matter too? aka im drawing the front, side, and back planes of the top pyramid in that order. ive tried switching it up but it doesn't really change anything. the only time i saw a difference was when i drew the center square connecting the pyramids before and after i drew the actual pyramids. it would either look like above, or not show up at all
any insight is helpful. just tryin to make a sweet looking colorful pyramid that looks like it does when i lay it out in illustrator (except now in 3d :)