Thank you so much again!!!
I just realized I cannot use library because I will using this .pde into website = processing js, but processing js does not support libraries...But still thanks for telling me that example, I have read it and really the things I want, I will remember it and I can use when I need it next time!!Thanks!!
(I have edit my reply. Earlier I just crazy so want to ask how to make those cube place in random position-_-then I realized I can simply use translate()...)
But here is another question, after I use translate() to place those cubes, can I get those shapes position? What I mean is, for example, the right face of the cube, I would like to get the coordinate of the right-top corner, can I get it? Because I am not changing the real coordinate of the shapes, but using translate() only...So if I want to get it, what can I do?(Because I need it to c
alculate the center point of the cube, in order to make cubes don't place to covered each other, and when they meet each other will
Here is my code...
- //Change the size of cube here
- //Strandard Size of Cube is 40, Center = 20, Max = 30, Min = 10
- int MinBoundary = 40;
- int CubeSize = MinBoundary * 4;
- int CubeCenter = MinBoundary * 2;
- int MaxBoundary = MinBoundary * 3;
- //Change the color alpha value here
- int alphaValue = 200;
- //Number of Cube to be genarate
- int CubeNum = 2;
- int counting = 0;
- float ranleftX, ranleftY;
- float ranrightX, ranrightY;
- float rantopX, rantopY;
- float My = 50;
- float Mx = 50;
- float speed = 1.0;
- boolean checked = false;
- Cubes [] c = new Cubes[CubeNum];
- float[] xPos = new float[CubeNum+1];
- float[] yPos = new float[CubeNum+1];
- void setup() {
- background(100);
- size(1000, 800);
- smooth();
- noStroke();
- int CubeRow = (width / (CubeSize += 5))-1;//1000 = 5
- int Zero = ((CubeSize ) * (CubeRow-1)); //640
- int row = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < CubeNum; i++) {
- //Random value for the cube
- ranleftX = random(CubeSize);
- ranleftY = random(MinBoundary, MaxBoundary);
- ranrightX = random(CubeSize);
- ranrightY = random(MinBoundary, MaxBoundary);
- rantopX = random(MinBoundary, MaxBoundary);
- rantopY = random(MinBoundary, MaxBoundary);
- c[i] = new Cubes(ranleftX, ranleftY, ranrightX, ranrightY, rantopX, rantopY, 0, MinBoundary, MaxBoundary, CubeSize, CubeCenter);
- }
- }
- void draw() {
- if (counting < CubeNum) {
- float x = random(800);
- float y = random(700);
- println("x" + x + "y" + y);
- xPos[counting] = x;
- yPos[counting] = y;
- pushMatrix();
- translate(x, y);
- text(counting, 0, 0);
- c[counting].drawCube();
- popMatrix();
- counting++;
- }
- }
- //---------Class
- class Cubes {
- float rleftX;
- float rleftY;
- float rrightX;
- float rrightY;
- float rtopX;
- float rtopY;
- int minB;
- int start;
- int MinBoundary;
- int MaxBoundary;
- int CubeSize;
- int CubeCenter;
- //-----------------------Constructor
- Cubes(float rleftX, float rleftY, float rrightX, float rrightY, float rtopX, float rtopY, int start, int MinBoundary, int MaxBoundary, int CubeSize, int CubeCenter) {
- this.rleftX = rleftX;
- this.rleftY = rleftY;
- this.rrightX = rrightX;
- this.rrightY = rrightY;
- this.rtopX = rtopX;
- this.rtopY = rtopY;
- this.minB = minB;
- this.start = start;
- this.MinBoundary = MinBoundary;
- this.MaxBoundary = MaxBoundary;
- this.CubeSize = CubeSize;
- this.CubeCenter = CubeCenter;
- }
- //-----------------------Constructor
- //drawCube(ranleftX,ranleftY,ranrightX,ranrightY,rantopX,rantopY)
- void drawCube() {
- beginShape();
- //Left
- fill(#0071BC, alphaValue);
- beginShape(QUAD_STRIP);
- vertex(start, MinBoundary); //A
- vertex(start, MaxBoundary); //D
- vertex(rleftX, rleftY); //B cubecenter
- vertex(CubeCenter, CubeSize); //C
- endShape();
- //Right
- fill(#66AAD7, alphaValue);
- beginShape(QUAD_STRIP);
- vertex(rrightX, rrightY);
- vertex(CubeCenter, CubeSize);
- vertex(CubeSize, MinBoundary);
- vertex(CubeSize, MaxBoundary);
- endShape();
- //Top
- fill(#CCE3F2, alphaValue);
- beginShape(QUAD_STRIP);
- vertex(CubeCenter, start);
- vertex(start, MinBoundary);
- vertex(CubeSize, MinBoundary);
- vertex(rtopX, rtopX);
- endShape();
- endShape(CLOSE);
- }
- //-----------------------drawBall()
- }