Processing Forum

Beginner questions

in Programming Questions  •  2 years ago  
I'm a beginner in programming and I would be very grateful if someone could help me, please.
What I'm trying to do is:
- rotate many objects around themselves (3D rotation around  a vertical axis on each object); (Note: I've tried every examples provided in References and Examples from Processing but none of them worked.)
- when mouse is pressed an ellipse appears and I want all objects on the screen "absorbed" by that ellipse (all objects moving for the inside of the ellipse continuously); when the mouse is released everything returns to the way it was in the beginning.
- I would like that the ellipse that appears when mouse is pressed increase size while the mouse is being pressed, but not very much.
Here´s the program:
(Note: some words are written in Portuguese so I add a comment with the traduction or explanation)
class classecristal {  "classecristal" is the name I gave to the class
int x1;
int y1;
int x2;
int y2;
int x3;
int y3;
int x4;
int y4;
int velocidade;  // "velocidade" means speed 
color cor; // "cor" means color

classecristal (int recebex1, int recebey1, int recebex2, int recebey2, int recebex3, int recebey3, int recebex4, int recebey4, int recebevelocidade, color recebecor) {  
  x1 = recebex1;  // "recebe" means receives
  y1= recebey1;
  x2 = recebex2;
  y2 = recebey2;
  x3 = recebex3;
  y3 = recebey3;
  x4 = recebex4;
  y4 = recebey4;
  velocidade = recebevelocidade;
  cor = recebecor;

void movimenta () {  // "movimenta" means moves
  y1 = y1 + velocidade;
  y2 = y2 + velocidade;
  y3 = y3 + velocidade;
  y4 = y4 + velocidade;
if (y1 > height) {
    if (y2  > height) {
  if (y3  > height){
  if (y4  > height){
    y4 = 0;
  x1 = x1 + velocidade;
  x2 = x2 + velocidade;
  x3 = x3 + velocidade;
  x4 = x4 + velocidade;
if (x1 > width) {
    if (x2 > width) {
  if (x3 > width){
  if (x4 > width){
    x4 = 0;

void desenha () {  // "desenha" means draw 
  fill (255,255,255,20);

int numeroMaximocristais = 1000;  // "numeroMaximocristais" is the number of elements in the class
classecristal [ ] listacristais = new classecristal [numeroMaximocristais];  // "listacristais" are all elements thet will be drawn
void setup() {
  background (0,0,0);
  for (int i=0; i < numeroMaximocristais; i++) {
    listacristais [i] = new classecristal (i*20, 10, i*20 + 6, 30, i*20, 50, i*20-6, 30, int(random(1,3)), color(255,255,255,100));
void draw () {

for (int i=0; i < numeroMaximocristais; i++) {
 listacristais [i].movimenta();
 listacristais [i].desenha();
 if (mousePressed == true) {
fill (255,255,255,20);

ellipse (mouseX,mouseY,100,100);

Kind regards,
Ana Costa