beads library - changing sample song dynamically
Contributed Library Questions
10 months ago
I have a program I'm working on that uses the Beads library to sample songs and change the rate at which they're played (this is done using a potentiometer—I'm sending data in from an Arduino to control the rate).
In this program, the sound clip is established in the void setup() function.
However, I would like to be able to change the song sample dynamically, in void draw(), depending on what data the program is receiving. I have five different songs, and I want the Processing program to play a different song, depending on whether the values it's receiving are between 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, or 401-500.
Here is my code so far:
- import processing.serial.*;
- Serial port;
- float derp = 0;
- // Sampling_03.pde
- // this is a more complex sampler
- // clicking somewhere on the window initiates sample playback
- // moving the mouse controls the playback rate
- import beads.*;
- AudioContext ac;
- SamplePlayer sp1;
- // we can run both SamplePlayers through the same Gain
- Gain sampleGain;
- Glide gainValue;
- Glide rateValue;
- void setup()
- {
- size(800, 600);
- port = new Serial(this, "/dev/tty.usbmodem411", 9600);
- port.bufferUntil('\n');
- ac = new AudioContext(); // create our AudioContext
- // whenever we load a file, we need to enclose the code in a Try/Catch block
- // Try/Catch blocks will inform us if the file can't be found
- try {
- // initialize the SamplePlayer
- sp1 = new SamplePlayer(ac, new Sample(sketchPath("") + "prelude_no_8.mp3"));
- }
- catch(Exception e)
- {
- // if there is an error, show an error message (at the bottom of the processing window)
- println("Exception while attempting to load sample!");
- e.printStackTrace(); // then print a technical description of the error
- exit(); // and exit the program
- }
- // note that we want to play the sample multiple times
- sp1.setKillOnEnd(false);
- rateValue = new Glide(ac, 1, 30); // initialize our rateValue Glide object
- sp1.setRate(rateValue); // connect it to the SamplePlayer
- // as usual, we create a gain that will control the volume of our sample player
- gainValue = new Glide(ac, 0.0, 30);
- sampleGain = new Gain(ac, 1, gainValue);
- sampleGain.addInput(sp1);
- ac.out.addInput(sampleGain); // connect the Gain to the AudioContext
- ac.start(); // begin audio processing
- background(0); // set the background to black
- stroke(255);
- line(width/2, 0, width/2, height); // draw a line in the middle
- text("Click to begin playback.", 100, 100); // tell the user what to do!
- text("Move the mouse to control playback speed.", 100, 120); // tell the user what to do!
- }
- // although we're not drawing to the screen, we need to have a draw function
- // in order to wait for mousePressed events
- void draw()
- {
- float halfWidth = width / 2.0;
- gainValue.setValue((float)mouseY / (float)height); // set the gain based on mouse position along the Y-axis
- rateValue.setValue(((float)derp - halfWidth)/halfWidth); // set the rate based on mouse position along the X-axis
- print("gain:");
- println((float)mouseY / (float)height);
- print("rate:");
- println(((float)derp - halfWidth)/halfWidth);
- print("derp:");
- println(derp);
- }
- // this routine is called whenever a mouse button is pressed on the Processing sketch
- void mousePressed()
- {
- // if the left mouse button is clicked, then play the sound
- if( mouseX > width / 2.0 )
- {
- sp1.setPosition(000); // set the start position to the beginning
- sp1.start(); // play the audio file
- }
- // if the right mouse button is clicked, then play the bass drum sample backwards
- else
- {
- sp1.setToEnd(); // set the start position to the end of the file
- sp1.start(); // play the file in reverse (rate set in the draw routine)
- }
- }
- void serialEvent (Serial port)
- {
- derp = float(port.readStringUntil('\n'));
- }