Ball collision and sweep test
Programming Questions
2 years ago
I've been relearning vectors by rewriting my cartesian/trig-based ball collisions as PVectors (like you do).
The result with balls colliding with
- other balls
- stationary balls (here called rings)
- lines
here. And I'm really quite chuffed!

I'm considering adding sweep tests (nicely descirbed
here), but am struggling with getting my head round how to do so when the ball colliding with a moving object - in this case a rotating line. The ball "knows" its velocity, but the line's position and rotation are passed to it. So I can tell where the ball will be in the next frame, but I won't (necessarily) be able to tell where the line will be.
Do I
- pretend that the line is stationary and call that good enough
- store its previous position and rotation just in case it's going to hit a ball in the next frame
- rewrite it (though that doesn't really make sense given the type of beast it is)
- or what?