Autonomous Agents - update
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1 year ago
In the demonstration the 'game world' is bigger than the display area and has a large number of game enities. There are 646 buildings made from 6210 walls and 1063 moving entities (the people).
Since each moving entity has a steering behaviour that uses wall avoidance then under normal circumstances the software would have to perform 6210 x 1063 (6,601,230) wall/entity tests. Attempting to perform so many tests would reduce the framerate to a point where the game would be useless (trust me - I tried it)
The solution was to use cell-space partitioning. The programmer can decide whether the library should or should not use cell-space partitioning for their game based on the number of entities and observed performance..
Notice that the frame rate reduces (but the udate calculation time is virtually unnaffected) when you zoom out.