Autonomous Agents
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1 year ago
The library will provide a number of common game AI algorithms the primary one will be autonomous agents.
The library provides 15 different steering behaviours that can be used singly or in combination. For instance in the demo the 'tourists' use wnader, wall and obstacle avoidance. The 'patrol leader' uses path finding, wall and obstacle avoidance, while the 'patrol members' use offset pursuit (follow the leader), wall and obstacle avoidance.
The sketch code is only 140 lines long because most the the game entities are created from simple XML descriptions stored in files and then parsed by the library.
To control the patrol click on one of the route markers. The patrol route is additive new destinations are added to the current patrol route.
Much of this work is based on algorithms and ideas from the book "Programming Game AI by Example" by Matt Buckland
Hope you enjoy.