Arduino and Processing on Keyboard Press
Integration and Hardware
3 years ago
I have an arduino microcontroller and I made an arduino code for my motor controller and it uses the #include <SoftwareSerial.h> library because my motor controller runs on simplified serial mode that accepts one 8 byte character, when operating in Simplified Serial mode, each motor has 7 bits of resolution. Sending a character between 1 and 127 will control motor 1. 1 is full reverse, 64 is stop and 127 is full forward. Sending a character between 128 and 255 will control motor 2. 128 is full reverse, 192 is stop and 255 is full forward.Character 0 (hex 0x00) is a special case. Sending this character will shut down both motors…
I already successfully controlled my motor, but only using commands from the code.. I want it to be controlled by keyboard press: W: forward S:backward A: left D:right which I'm not successful with arduino alone..
Any one knows how to incorporate the keypress functions of the processing to the arduino? I'm new to processing…Is is possible?
Any help will greatly apreciated