I realize there are a number of conversion questions already floating around but I can't seem to find an existing question for my problem. Any pointers at all would be super helpful.
I'm trying to find out what part of my code javascript doesn't like. The java works fine but the .js just pulls up a blank white box that I can't debug.
My best guess is that it has to do with the RiTa library I import, the use of fonts (.vlw), the use of a data (.txt) file or the use of a class in a separate file -- though I don't know enough about the translation process to really test any of the above.
Again, any help you can throw my way would be so appreciated. Thanks!
- import rita.*;
- import controlP5.*;
- // initializes variables / instances of classes
- ControlP5 cp5;
- CheckBox checkbox1, checkbox2;
- Slider slider1, slider2;
- boolean filterBool = false;
- int sliderMin, prevMin = 0;
- int sliderMax, prevMax = 11;
- PFont font1, font2, font3;
- State nowState;
- // from kuler
- color[] topColors = {color(0,114,187),
- color(217,61,4),
- color(18,43,59),
- color(191,107,4),
- color(0,36,59),
- color(242,203,3),
- color(4,191,173),
- color(59,144,198),
- color(242,226,5),
- color(0,83,136)};
- String[] months = {"Sep", "Nov", "Oct", "Dec", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug"};
- String[] genre = {"school", "personal", "academic", "creative"};
- // consolidates the states of the checkboxes
- boolean[] genreBool = {true, true};
- // window settings
- void setup() {
- size(800, 600);
- background(color(255));
- smooth();
- font1 = loadFont("CenturySchoolbook-Italic-48.vlw");
- font2 = loadFont("ArialMT-24.vlw");
- cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
- //max slider
- cp5.addSlider("slider1", 0, 11, 11, 55, 425, 450, 10)
- .setColorBackground(color(255))
- .setColorForeground(color(0))
- .setColorActive(color(0))
- .setNumberOfTickMarks(12)
- .setLabelVisible(false)
- .showTickMarks(false)
- .setSliderMode(Slider.FLEXIBLE)
- ;
- // min slider
- cp5.addSlider("slider2", 0, 11, 0, 55, 450, 450, 10)
- .setColorBackground(color(255))
- .setColorForeground(color(0))
- .setColorActive(color(0))
- .snapToTickMarks(true)
- .setNumberOfTickMarks(12)
- .showTickMarks(false)
- .setLabelVisible(false)
- .setSliderMode(Slider.FLEXIBLE)
- ;
- // first set of checkboxes
- cp5.addCheckBox("checkbox1")
- .setPosition(100, 530)
- .setColorBackground(color(0))
- .setColorForeground(color(0))
- .setColorActive(color(255))
- .setSize(15, 15)
- .setSpacingRow(15)
- .addItem("email_school", 0)
- .addItem("email_personal", 50)
- .hideLabels()
- .activateAll()
- ;
- // toggles whether to apply common word filter
- cp5.addToggle("toggleValue",735,35,15,15)
- .setColorForeground(color(255))
- .setColorBackground(color(0))
- .setColorLabel(color(255))
- .setColorActive(color(255))
- .setLabelVisible(false)
- ;
- // an instance of the display class, with the data file passed to it
- nowState = new State("data/a2_emails2.txt");
- nowState.update();
- }
- void backgroundElements() {
- int xpos = 0;
- stroke(0);
- // title
- fill(0);
- textFont(font2, 20);
- text("MY YEAR IN WORDS", 50, 50);
- line(50, 60, 500, 60);
- // oftenest
- textFont(font2, 14);
- text("OFTENEST", 75, 125);
- line(75, 135, 175, 135);
- // rarest
- text("RAREST", 325, 125);
- line(325, 135, 425, 135);
- // longest
- text("LONGEST", 500, 125);
- line(500, 135, 600, 135);
- // total
- text("/ unique", 690, 545);
- textAlign(RIGHT);
- text("total /", 690, 570);
- textAlign(LEFT);
- // probability barchart
- line(549, 375, 550, 200);
- line(549, 376, 750, 376);
- text("PROBABILITY OF OFTENEST", 550, 400);
- textFont(font1,15);
- fill(color(0,114,187));
- text("in this range", 550, 425);
- fill(color(150));
- text("across whole range", 550, 440);
- //bottom decorative line
- line(50, 400, 500, 400);
- // slider meta
- fill(0);
- for(int i=0; i < months.length; i++){
- line(60 + xpos, 442, 60 + xpos, 437);
- textFont(font2, 14);
- text(months[i], 50 + xpos, 500);
- xpos += 40;
- }
- text("max", 20, 435);
- text("min", 20, 450);
- // checkbox labels
- text("email:", 50, 540);
- text("school", 120, 540);
- text("personal", 120, 570);
- fill(255);
- rect(100, 530, 15, 15);
- rect(100, 560, 15, 15);
- // decorating the filter toggle
- fill(0);
- textFont(font1,15);
- textAlign(RIGHT);
- text("exclude common", 730, 45);
- text("words", 730, 60);
- textAlign(LEFT);
- fill(255);
- rect(735,35,15,15);
- }
- // describes the class that involves a particular display state based on the slider and checkbox inputs
- class State {
- //all the variables for a single state of the display
- String filename;
- String longest;
- int minFreq, counter, index;
- int unique;
- int total;
- String[] topten = new String[10];
- String[] rarest = new String[10];
- int[] barlength = new int[10];
- Float[] probsHi = new Float[10];
- Float[] probsHiTtl = new Float[10];
- //instantiates the handy Table class I stole from Ben Fry
- Table table;
- //class constructor
- State(String n){
- filename = n;
- }
- void update(){
- // all the variables for each update
- String [] activeGenre = {"0", "0","0","0"};
- // common words based on top 100 most common words according to the Oxford Corpus (http://oxforddictionaries.com/words/the-oec-facts-about-the-language)
- // words not included are those less than three letters long and the top ten most common (both sets of words are removed
- // with the Python script I wrote to clean the data)
- String[] igWords = {"look", "people", "will",
- "was", "your", "but",
- "are", "about", "not",
- "from", "new", "can", "let", "edu"};
- // second library of email specific words that are common
- // String[] igWords2 = {"school", "love", "send",
- // "wrote", "hope", "thanks",
- // "http", "edu", "new", "pdf"};
- // these RiConcorder instances are the core to the whole program
- RiConcorder rc = new RiConcorder();
- RiConcorder ttl = new RiConcorder();
- // adds an ignore array
- if(filterBool){
- rc.setWordsToIgnore(igWords);
- ttl.setWordsToIgnore(igWords);
- }
- table = new Table(filename);
- // checks to make sure the sliderMin is not too high
- sliderMin = (sliderMin > sliderMax) ? sliderMax : sliderMin;
- // checks to see whether any checkboxes are checked
- if(!genreBool[0] && !genreBool[1]){
- for(int i = 0; i<10; i++){
- topten[i] = "";
- rarest[i] = "";
- barlength[i] = 0;
- probsHi[i] = 0.0;
- probsHiTtl[i] = 0.0;
- }
- unique = 0;
- total = 0;
- longest = "";
- }else{
- // resets the longest word
- longest = " ";
- // sets the active genres according to the checked boxes
- for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++){
- if(genreBool[i]){activeGenre[i] = genre[i];}
- }
- // this is the heart of it, nested loops to test for active month and genre states
- for (int i = 0; i < table.getRowCount(); i++){
- // creates an RiConcorder for every word to get total probabilities later
- ttl.addWord(table.getString(i,4));
- for(int k = sliderMin; k <= sliderMax; k++){
- // the range of months active
- if(table.getString(i,2).contains(months[k])){
- // the active genres
- if(table.getString(i,0).contains(activeGenre[0]) || table.getString(i,0).contains(activeGenre[1])){
- longest = (longest.length() < table.getString(i,4).length()) ? table.getString(i,4) : longest;
- rc.addWord(table.getString(i,4));
- }
- }
- }}
- // gets the top ten most common words
- topten = rc.getMostCommonTokens(10);
- // the top ten least common according to the RiConcorder algorithm
- rarest = rc.getLeastCommonTokens(10);
- // totals
- total = rc.totalCount();
- unique = rc.uniqueCount();
- // sets the frequencies and probabilities for the top ten
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
- barlength[i] = rc.getCount(topten[i]);
- probsHi[i] = rc.getProbability(topten[i]);
- probsHiTtl[i] = ttl.getProbability(topten[i]);
- }
- // clears the model
- rc.clear();
- ttl.clear();
- // for(int i = 0; i < activeGenre.length; i++){activeGenre[i] = "";}
- }}
- // uses the update values to draw elements
- void display() {
- int ypos = 0;
- int xpos = 0;
- // draws top ten most frequently used words from the selected subset and time range
- fill(0);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
- textFont(font1,15);
- text(nowState.topten[i],75, 163 + ypos);
- ypos += 20;
- }
- // draws longest
- fill(0);
- textFont(font1,15);
- text(nowState.longest, 500, 163);
- // draws rarest
- ypos = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
- text(nowState.rarest[i],325, 163 + ypos);
- ypos += 20;
- }
- // draws total
- textAlign(RIGHT);
- text(nowState.unique, 680, 545);
- textAlign(LEFT);
- // draws uniqe total
- text(nowState.total, 700, 570);
- // draws frequency bars
- ypos = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < nowState.barlength.length; i++){
- fill(topColors[i]);
- noStroke();
- rect(150, 150 + ypos,nowState.barlength[i]/5, 15);
- ypos += 20;
- }
- // draws the probability bars in this range
- xpos = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < nowState.probsHi.length-1; i++){
- fill(topColors[i]);
- float x1 = 560 + xpos;
- float y1 = 375 - (probsHi[i] * 3000);
- rect(x1, y1, 10, 375 - y1);
- xpos += 20;
- }
- // for the whole range
- xpos = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < nowState.probsHiTtl.length-1; i++){
- fill(150);
- float x1 = 565 + xpos;
- float y1 = 375 - (probsHiTtl[i] * 3000);
- rect(x1, y1, 10, 375 - y1);
- xpos += 20;
- }
- }}
- // function that updates in case slider values change -- because of quirks in the ControlP5 library
- // necessary in order to get the sliders to dynamically refresh the display
- void slideUpdate(){
- if (prevMax != sliderMax || prevMin != sliderMin){nowState.update();}
- prevMin = sliderMin;
- prevMax = sliderMax;
- }
- //sets sliderMax from slider1
- void slider1(int a){
- sliderMax = a;
- slideUpdate();
- }
- //sliderMin from slider2
- public void slider2(int a){
- sliderMin = a;
- slideUpdate();
- }
- //sets the booleans for active genres -- makes more sense when I had the other set of checkboxes active
- void checkbox1(float[] a) {
- genreBool[0] = (a[0] == 1.0) ? true : false;
- genreBool[1] = (a[1] == 1.0) ? true : false;
- nowState.update();
- }
- //whether or not to filter common words
- void toggleValue(boolean theFlag) {
- filterBool = theFlag;
- nowState.update();
- }
- void draw() {
- background(255);
- backgroundElements();
- nowState.display();
- }