here you see my test with a 3D function
myCurve that takes two Vectors as start and end point of the flight.
For test purposes the points are shown blue (by func myPointPVector).
The control points (for the form of the curve) are calculated roughly as (start and end point of the flight:) y+1200. They are painted in red (but outside of the screen of course).
you have to for loop and bring all flights to this func. You need screen coors of course yo you have to map all origins and destinations to screen points before giving it to my func.
for moving points:
(with another for loop) Is this 3D?? I dunno.
unfortunately I have to go now.
Good luck.
Greetings, Chrisir
- void setup()
- {
- size( 800, 800, P3D );
- } // setup
- void draw()
- {
- // myCurveTest() ;
- PVector firstpoint = new PVector (120, 320, -30);
- PVector secondpoint = new PVector (320, 220, -30);
- myCurve (firstpoint, secondpoint ) ;
- firstpoint = new PVector (420, 220, 30);
- secondpoint = new PVector (620, 120, -30);
- myCurve (firstpoint, secondpoint ) ;
- }
- void myCurve (
- PVector firstpoint,
- PVector secondpoint) {
- //x1 float: coordinates for the beginning control point
- //y1 float: coordinates for the beginning control point
- //x2 float: coordinates for the first point
- //y2 float: coordinates for the first point
- //x3 float: coordinates for the second point
- //y3 float: coordinates for the second point
- //x4 float: coordinates for the ending control point
- //y4 float: coordinates for the ending control point
- //z1 float: coordinates for the beginning control point
- //z2 float: coordinates for the first point
- //z3 float: coordinates for the second point
- //z4 float: coordinates for the ending control point
- PVector beginningcontrolpoint = new PVector (120, firstpoint.y+1200, -30);
- PVector endingcontrolpoint = new PVector (720, secondpoint.y+1200, -30);
- myPointPVector(beginningcontrolpoint, color(255, 0, 0));
- myPointPVector(firstpoint, color(0, 0, 255));
- myPointPVector(secondpoint, color(0, 0, 255));
- myPointPVector(endingcontrolpoint, color(255, 0, 0));
- stroke (255);
- noFill();
- curve(
- beginningcontrolpoint.x, beginningcontrolpoint.y, beginningcontrolpoint.z,
- firstpoint.x, firstpoint.y, firstpoint.z,
- secondpoint.x, secondpoint.y, secondpoint.z,
- endingcontrolpoint.x, endingcontrolpoint.y, endingcontrolpoint.z);
- }
- void myCurveTest () {
- //x1 float: coordinates for the beginning control point
- //y1 float: coordinates for the beginning control point
- //x2 float: coordinates for the first point
- //y2 float: coordinates for the first point
- //x3 float: coordinates for the second point
- //y3 float: coordinates for the second point
- //x4 float: coordinates for the ending control point
- //y4 float: coordinates for the ending control point
- //z1 float: coordinates for the beginning control point
- //z2 float: coordinates for the first point
- //z3 float: coordinates for the second point
- //z4 float: coordinates for the ending control point
- PVector beginningcontrolpoint = new PVector (120, 620, -30);
- PVector firstpoint = new PVector (120, 320, -30);
- PVector secondpoint = new PVector (320, 220, -30);
- PVector endingcontrolpoint = new PVector (720, 720, -30);
- myPointPVector(beginningcontrolpoint, color(255, 0, 0));
- myPointPVector(firstpoint, color(0, 0, 255));
- myPointPVector(secondpoint, color(0, 0, 255));
- myPointPVector(endingcontrolpoint, color(255, 0, 0));
- stroke (255);
- noFill();
- curve(
- beginningcontrolpoint.x, beginningcontrolpoint.y, beginningcontrolpoint.z,
- firstpoint.x, firstpoint.y, firstpoint.z,
- secondpoint.x, secondpoint.y, secondpoint.z,
- endingcontrolpoint.x, endingcontrolpoint.y, endingcontrolpoint.z);
- }
- void myPointPVector (PVector test, color col1) {
- MyBox(test.x, test.y, test.z,
- test.x+3, test.y, test.z,
- 9,
- col1);
- }
- void MyBox(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float weight, color strokeColour)
- // was called drawLine; programmed by James Carruthers
- // see
- {
- PVector p1 = new PVector(x1, y1, z1);
- PVector p2 = new PVector(x2, y2, z2);
- PVector v1 = new PVector(x2-x1, y2-y1, z2-z1);
- float rho = sqrt(pow(v1.x, 2)+pow(v1.y, 2)+pow(v1.z, 2));
- float phi = acos(v1.z/rho);
- float the = atan2(v1.y, v1.x);
- v1.mult(0.5);
- pushMatrix();
- translate(x1, y1, z1);
- translate(v1.x, v1.y, v1.z);
- rotateZ(the);
- rotateY(phi);
- noStroke();
- fill(strokeColour);
- box(weight, weight, p1.dist(p2)*1.2);
- popMatrix();
- }