android update project (build.xml issue)
BUILD FAILED/var/folders/cs/csUuSD20FJ8BHJH4lPTttE+++TI/-Tmp-/android8872081860388422559.pde/build.xml:16:
Error. You are using an obsolete build.xmlYou need to delete it and regenerate it usingandroid update project
Total time: 0 seconds
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
to show hidden files, navigated to the directory, and deleted the build.xml
Then, referencing the page on the SDK reference here: I cd'd to the tools directory in my SDK... eg.:
- cd /Users/jessescott/Documents/Processing/Android\ SDK/android-sdk-mac_x86/tools/
(note the backward slash in between 'Android' and 'SDK' to deal with a space)
then ran
- ./android list targets
(note the './' ... because OSX doesn't have a PATH editor (or, not an easily accessible one at least), you have to include these characters to get the command to run, or you'll get a "android: command not found" message... on Win or Linux, it should be enough to add the tools directory to your PATH, but it never hurts to use the full syntax!)
to get my available targets (API Revisions).
I chose 6, which for me was Android OS 2.1 / API Level 7, as I believe that is the default that Processing uses...
So, I ended up running
- ./android update project --name SonicDrift --target 6 --path /private/var/folders/cs/csUuSD20FJ8BHJH4lPTttE+++TI/-Tmp-/android5837840366967369146.pde/
Updated and renamed to project.propertiesUpdated local.propertiesRenamed to ant.propertiesAdded file /private/var/folders/cs/csUuSD20FJ8BHJH4lPTttE+++TI/-Tmp-/android5837840366967369146.pde/build.xmlAdded file /private/var/folders/cs/csUuSD20FJ8BHJH4lPTttE+++TI/-Tmp-/android5837840366967369146.pde/proguard.cfg