And the second sketch as well (with
two modifications from the original)
Seems like in Processing 1.5 android mode MotionEvent was imported automatically, thus there was no need to explicitly specify it. However Processing 2 doesn't do this automatically, so you have to do it manually). Also variables
screenWidth and
screenHeight are deprecated and not availble in P2.0
- // Sketch taken from
- // Eric Pavey - - 2010-12-29
- // Example showing simple multi-touch detection in 'Processing - Android'.
- // My Samsung Captivate (Galaxy S) can track 5 touch-points.
- // Updated to work with Processing's surfaceTouchEvent instead of
- // Android's dispatchTouchEvent.
- // Should point out that API Level 9 has MotionEvent.PointerCoords class that
- // expose some cool functionality, but I'm only on Level 7.
- import android.view.MotionEvent;
- String[] fontList;
- PFont androidFont;
- int circleBaseSize = 512; // change this to make the touche circles bigger\smaller.
- void setup() {
- //size(screenWidth, screenHeight, A2D);
- size(displayWidth, displayHeight);
- // Fix the orientation so the sketch won't reset when rotated.
- orientation(PORTRAIT);
- stroke(255);
- smooth();
- // Setup Fonts:
- fontList = PFont.list();
- androidFont = createFont(fontList[0], 16, true);
- textFont(androidFont);
- textAlign(LEFT);
- }
- void draw() {
- background(0);
- }
- void infoCircle(float x, float y, float siz, int id) {
- // What is drawn on sceen when touched.
- float diameter = circleBaseSize * siz;
- noFill();
- ellipse(x, y, diameter, diameter);
- fill(0,255,0);
- ellipse(x, y, 8, 8);
- text( ("ID:"+ id + " " + int(x) + ", " + int(y) ), x-128, y-64);
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Override Processing's surfaceTouchEvent, which will intercept all
- // screen touch events. This code only runs when the screen is touched.
- public boolean surfaceTouchEvent(MotionEvent me) {
- // Number of places on the screen being touched:
- int numPointers = me.getPointerCount();
- for(int i=0; i < numPointers; i++) {
- int pointerId = me.getPointerId(i);
- float x = me.getX(i);
- float y = me.getY(i);
- float siz = me.getSize(i);
- infoCircle(x, y, siz, pointerId);
- }
- // If you want the variables for motionX/motionY, mouseX/mouseY etc.
- // to work properly, you'll need to call super.surfaceTouchEvent().
- return super.surfaceTouchEvent(me);
- }