Coding a billiards game for a class project. My goal is to click the mouse once to place a cue ball, again to place a target ball, and then a third click will send the cue ball towards the target ball. When the cue ball collides with the target ball, the cue ball is supposed to stop and the target ball should start moving. I have code to check if they collide but right now I can't figure out how to test if it is working because the cue ball won't launch on the third mouse click. Any suggestions?
/////////////////////////////////Code Starts Here////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Code by D. Witt.
int ballPlaced = 0;
float rise, run;
boolean isLaunched;
Ball cueBall, targetBall;
float currentDist;
boolean hasCollided;
void setup()
size(800, 400);
rise = 0;
run = 0;
cueBall = new Ball(-50, -50, color(255,255,255));
targetBall = new Ball(-50, -50, color(255,255,0));
cueBall.isLaunched = false;
targetBall.isLaunched = false;
hasCollided = false;
cueBall.hasTouched = false;
void draw()
if (ballPlaced > 0)
if (ballPlaced > 1)
if (isLaunched)
currentDist = dist(targetBall.xpos, targetBall.ypos, cueBall.xpos, cueBall.ypos);
if(hasCollided == false && !cueBall.hasTouched){
cueBall.launch(rise, run, currentDist);
else if(hasCollided == true){
targetBall.launch(rise, run, currentDist);
void mouseClicked()
if (ballPlaced == 0)
ballPlaced += 1;
else if (ballPlaced == 1)
ballPlaced += 1;
else if ((ballPlaced == 2) && (cueBall.isLaunched == false) && (targetBall.isLaunched == false))
float distance = dist(targetBall.xpos, targetBall.ypos, cueBall.xpos, cueBall.ypos);
rise = targetBall.ypos - cueBall.ypos;
run = targetBall.xpos - cueBall.xpos;
rise = rise / distance;
run = run / distance;
cueBall.launch(rise, run, distance);
void keyPressed()
if (key == 'c')
ballPlaced = 0;
void checkCollision(float tempDist){
if(tempDist > 50){
hasCollided = false;
else if(tempDist <= 50){
hasCollided = true;
class Ball{
float currentX;
float currentY;
float xpos;
float ypos;
color currentColor;
boolean isLaunched;
boolean hasTouched;
Ball(float tempX, float tempY, color tempC){
xpos = tempX;
ypos = tempY;
currentColor = tempC;
void display(){
ellipse(xpos, ypos, 50, 50);
void placeBall(){
xpos = mouseX;
ypos = mouseY;
void stopBall(){
hasTouched = true;
void launch(float tempRise, float tempRun, float tempDistance){
while(tempDistance > 0){
xpos += run*2.0;
ypos += rise*2.0;
isLaunched = true;