Am trying to control the gain from the slider rather than mouse position. Have had a go at this, but am at dead end- any help please?
- // Hello_Glide_01.pde
- // import the beads library (you must have installed it properly. as of this writing, it is not included with Processing)
- import beads.*;
- import controlP5.*;
- import processing.opengl.*;
- ControlP5 cp5;
- // create our AudioContext, which will oversee audio input/output
- AudioContext ac;
- // declare our unit generators (Beads) since we will need to access them throughout the program
- WavePlayer wp;
- Gain g;
- Glide gainGlide;
- void setup()
- {
- size(400, 300);
- // initialize our AudioContext
- ac = new AudioContext();
- // create a WavePlayer
- wp = new WavePlayer(ac, 440, Buffer.SINE);
- // create the Glide object
- // Glide objects move smoothly from one value to another
- // 0.0 is the initial value contained by the Glide
- // it will take 50ms for it to transition to a new value
- gainGlide = new Glide(ac, 0.0, 50);
- // create a Gain object
- // this time, we will attach the gain amount to the glide object created above
- g = new Gain(ac, 1, gainGlide);
- // connect the WavePlayer output to the Gain input
- g.addInput(wp);
- // connect the Gain output to the AudioContext
- ac.out.addInput(g);
- // start audio processing
- ac.start();
- cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
- ControlWindow cw = cp5.addControlWindow("controlP5window", 208, 396, 800, 250, 30);
- Slider s = cp5.addSlider("gain",0,200,128,20,100,10,100);
- s.setWindow(cw);
- background(0); // set the background to black
- text("Move the mouse to control the sine gain.", 100, 100); // tell the user what to do!
- }
- void draw()
- {
- // in the draw routine, we will update our gain
- // since this routine is called repeatedly, this will continuously change the volume of the sine wave
- // based on the position of the mouse cursor within the Processing window
- gainGlide.setValue(mouseX / (float)width);
- //gainGlide.setValue(Slider s);
- }