Processing Forum
hey there.  i've been working on some more complex processing/java projects at work lately, and found myself missing some of the niceties of AS3, like add/removeChild(), setting .x or .scaleY or .rotationZ, adding event handlers, etc.

so, i started to write a framework to provide some of those things.  now, it's all documented and pretty and waiting for you:

please try it out and let me know what you think.  i've found it useful in some ways.

i'm hoping to polish up events a bit, encapsulating awt input events (MouseEvent and KeyEvent) so that they can hold information like event phase and currentTarget, and also provide more control over bubbling / event propagation.  but figured i'd just get out what i have now and see where that goes.



update: renamed the library to Nest.
available here and here.

also, input events are now encapsulated, and event phases are implemented, allowing manipulation during capture/bubble/target phases, stop propagation, etc.
Good stuff! I always love how to organize the things in AS3 in that way!