A "the function display () does not exist" in reference to a subclass that has a display method???
Programming Questions
1 years ago
I am getting a "the function display () does not exist" for my quiltpatterns tiles even though there is a display function in that subclass. What am I not getting?
PFont fontInstructions; // create a variable to load the font
PImage [] quiltPatterns = new PImage [4]; // declare a variable that stores an array of quilting patterns images from clip art
EmptyGrid myEmptyGrid;
void setup() { // call the setup function to define initial enviroment properties
size(900, 700); // set the canvas size at 800 pixels by 800 pixels
background(230); // set background color to light gray
fontInstructions=loadFont("CurlzMT-48.vlw"); // load the font used for the text in a data file attached to this file
textFont (fontInstructions); // set the loaded font as the current one to use
for (int q = 0; q < quiltPatterns.length; q++) { // create an array that loads the array of quilt patterns as numbered files
quiltPatterns[q] = loadImage("pattern" + (q+1) + ".gif"); // load each quilt pattern individually based on its numbered file
} // end the for loop for loading the array of quilt patterns as numbered files
myEmptyGrid= new EmptyGrid (color(227, 208, 140), 100);
} // end the setup function
void draw () { // call the draw function
background(230); // reset background color to light gray everytime the draw function is recalled
for (int q = 0; q < quiltPatterns.length; q++) { // create an array that loads the array of quilt patterns as numbered files
} // end the for loop for loading the array of quilt patterns as numbered files
} // end the draw function
abstract class Grid {
float sizeOfSquares;
color gridClr;
Grid(color tempgridClr, float tempsizeOfSquares) {
} // end of the constructor
void display () {
// initialization of quilt patterns (from Shiffman page 261)
for (int i=0;i<width;i+=sizeOfSquares) {
for (int j=0;j<height;j+=sizeOfSquares) {
rect(i, j, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
} // end of the display function
class EmptyGrid extends Grid {
EmptyGrid(color tempgridClr, float tempsizeOfSquares) {
super (tempgridClr, tempsizeOfSquares);
} // end of the constructor
void display () {
// initialization of quilt patterns (from Shiffman page 261)
for (int i=200;i<width;i+=sizeOfSquares) {
for (int j=100;j<height;j+=sizeOfSquares) {
rect(i, j, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
} // end of the display function
} // end of the Grid class
class Patterns extends Grid {
EmptyGrid(color tempgridClr, float tempsizeOfSquares) {
super (tempgridClr, tempsizeOfSquares);
} // end of the constructor
void display() {
image (quiltPatterns[0], 0, height-600, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
image (quiltPatterns[1], 0, height-450, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
image (quiltPatterns[2], 0, height-300, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
image (quiltPatterns[3], 0, height-150, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
// code for the instructions class
class Instructions { // create a class for the instructions
// fields
String instruction1; // create a variable for the first line of the instructions that will appear on the screen
String instruction2; // create a variable for the second line of the instructions that will appear on the screen
String instruction3; // create a variable for the third line of the instructions that will appear on the screen
String instruction4; // create a variable for the fourth line of the instructions that will appear on the screen
String instruction5; // create a variable for the fifth line of the instructions that will appear on the screen
int textX; // create a variable for the X position of the text
int textY; // create a variable for the Y position of the text
} // end the intructions class
PFont fontInstructions; // create a variable to load the font
PImage [] quiltPatterns = new PImage [4]; // declare a variable that stores an array of quilting patterns images from clip art
EmptyGrid myEmptyGrid;
void setup() { // call the setup function to define initial enviroment properties
size(900, 700); // set the canvas size at 800 pixels by 800 pixels
background(230); // set background color to light gray
fontInstructions=loadFont("CurlzMT-48.vlw"); // load the font used for the text in a data file attached to this file
textFont (fontInstructions); // set the loaded font as the current one to use
for (int q = 0; q < quiltPatterns.length; q++) { // create an array that loads the array of quilt patterns as numbered files
quiltPatterns[q] = loadImage("pattern" + (q+1) + ".gif"); // load each quilt pattern individually based on its numbered file
} // end the for loop for loading the array of quilt patterns as numbered files
myEmptyGrid= new EmptyGrid (color(227, 208, 140), 100);
} // end the setup function
void draw () { // call the draw function
background(230); // reset background color to light gray everytime the draw function is recalled
for (int q = 0; q < quiltPatterns.length; q++) { // create an array that loads the array of quilt patterns as numbered files
} // end the for loop for loading the array of quilt patterns as numbered files
} // end the draw function
abstract class Grid {
float sizeOfSquares;
color gridClr;
Grid(color tempgridClr, float tempsizeOfSquares) {
} // end of the constructor
void display () {
// initialization of quilt patterns (from Shiffman page 261)
for (int i=0;i<width;i+=sizeOfSquares) {
for (int j=0;j<height;j+=sizeOfSquares) {
rect(i, j, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
} // end of the display function
class EmptyGrid extends Grid {
EmptyGrid(color tempgridClr, float tempsizeOfSquares) {
super (tempgridClr, tempsizeOfSquares);
} // end of the constructor
void display () {
// initialization of quilt patterns (from Shiffman page 261)
for (int i=200;i<width;i+=sizeOfSquares) {
for (int j=100;j<height;j+=sizeOfSquares) {
rect(i, j, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
} // end of the display function
} // end of the Grid class
class Patterns extends Grid {
EmptyGrid(color tempgridClr, float tempsizeOfSquares) {
super (tempgridClr, tempsizeOfSquares);
} // end of the constructor
void display() {
image (quiltPatterns[0], 0, height-600, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
image (quiltPatterns[1], 0, height-450, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
image (quiltPatterns[2], 0, height-300, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
image (quiltPatterns[3], 0, height-150, sizeOfSquares, sizeOfSquares);
// code for the instructions class
class Instructions { // create a class for the instructions
// fields
String instruction1; // create a variable for the first line of the instructions that will appear on the screen
String instruction2; // create a variable for the second line of the instructions that will appear on the screen
String instruction3; // create a variable for the third line of the instructions that will appear on the screen
String instruction4; // create a variable for the fourth line of the instructions that will appear on the screen
String instruction5; // create a variable for the fifth line of the instructions that will appear on the screen
int textX; // create a variable for the X position of the text
int textY; // create a variable for the Y position of the text
} // end the intructions class