PositivEnergy Practice is on a mission to change the way we design, operate and engage our cities. From displaying energy consumption of buildings, to public engagement in the design process enabled by augmented reality applications on smart phones, the future narrative of the city will be confluence of both the virtual and the physical. PositvEnergy Practice is leading this change through revolutionary projects such as the Chicago Decarbonization Plan and similar projects in Rome and Utrecht.
We are looking for individuals to collaborate on the development of the city parametric model and related works.
You must have:
- A passion for the city, technology and ingenuity
- Creative and independently motivated
- Ability to work within a team environment, self-supporting and collaborative
- Proper skills to document and communicate your developments
- A healthy aversion to the status quo
Specifically we are looking for experience and proficiency in:
- Java / Processing
- C++ / OF / Cinder
- OpenCV, OpenGL
- iPhone / Android
- Adobe Suite
An engineering or technical background is strongly preferred, as long as you reject the dualistic thinking of art and engineering as separate
If you're intrigued and think you have what it takes, contact myself (Jeffrey Boyer jboyer@pepractice.com) and CC Judi Goshen (judigoshen@smithgill.com)
For more info check out: