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Reference an objects variable (Read 1434 times)
Re: Reference an objects variable
Reply #15 - Mar 2nd, 2010, 9:29am
This would be cool,

Anyway this a bit off topic but heres my code i have written so far

the buttons havent been sorted yet so just ignore that

it seems to be measuring where collisions take place incorrectly,

if you run the code it draws a black circle where it thinks a collision occurs


import guicomponents.*;

//guicomponents library, declaring buttons and sliders

GButton btnclear, btnreset, btnstroke, btnfill, btntrails;
GVertSlider alphaslider, diameterslider, numslider;

//Declare arraylist

ArrayList balls;

//declare integers

int numcircles = 10; //number of circles created
//integer for the array index

void setup() {

  balls = new ArrayList(); //Create and empty array list


  for ( int i = 0; i < numcircles; i++ )
    Circle ball = new Circle(800/2,height/2,random(-5,5),random(-5,5));//Create ball objects
    balls.add(ball); //add ball to the array list


  //Button shit

  GComponent.globalColor = GCScheme.getColor(this,  GCScheme.BLUE_SCHEME);
  GComponent.globalFont = GFont.getFont(this, "Arial", 12);

  btnclear = new GButton(this,"Clear",825,25,70,10);
  btnreset = new GButton(this,"Reset",825,50,70,10);
  btnstroke = new GButton(this,"Stroke",825,490,70,10);
  btnfill = new GButton(this,"Fill",825,515,70,10);
  btntrails = new GButton(this,"Trails",825,540,70,10);

  //Slider shit

  alphaslider = new GVertSlider(this,825,75,20,400);

  diameterslider = new GVertSlider(this,850,75,20,400);

  numslider = new GVertSlider(this,875,75,20,400);


void draw(){

  for (int i = balls.size()-1; i >=0 ;i--)


void checkCollision(){

  for (int i = balls.size()-1; i >=0 ;i--){

    float CollisionCheckX = (((Circle)balls.get(i)).x);
    float CollisionCheckY = (((Circle)balls.get(i)).y);
    float BallDiameter = (((Circle)balls.get(i)).diameter);

    for (int j = balls.size()-1;  j >=0 ;j--) {

      float CollisionCheckX2 = (((Circle)balls.get(j)).x);
      float CollisionCheckY2 = (((Circle)balls.get(j)).y);
      float BallDiameter2 = (((Circle)balls.get(j)).diameter);

      if (i != j){

        if (dist(CollisionCheckX,CollisionCheckX2,CollisionCheckY,CollisionCheckY2) <= (BallDiameter/2) + (BallDiameter/2)){

          println("Ball "+i+" X "+CollisionCheckX+", Y "+CollisionCheckY+", Diameter "+BallDiameter+" || Ball "+j+" X "+CollisionCheckX2+", Y "+CollisionCheckY2+" Diameter "+BallDiameter2);




void handleButtonEvents(GButton button) {
  if (btnreset == button && button.eventType == GButton.CLICKED) {

Re: Reference an objects variable
Reply #16 - Mar 2nd, 2010, 9:34am
[quote author=3836333A2C2837362B3E343A2D5F0 link=1267462314/9#9 date=1267464862]
Circle getball(int i)
 return (Circle)balls.get(i);

Also this doesnt seem to be working for me

void draw(){

for (int i = balls.size()-1; i >=0 ;i--)


Circle getBall(int _number);
return (Circle)balls.get(_number);

Re: Reference an objects variable
Reply #17 - Mar 2nd, 2010, 9:42am
you have to assign the results of getBall() to something (of type Ball)

ball = getBall(i);

Re: Reference an objects variable
Reply #18 - Mar 2nd, 2010, 9:47am
void draw(){

  for (int i = balls.size()-1; i >=0 ;i--)
    ball = getBall(i);


"Could not find anything named "ball" "
Re: Reference an objects variable
Reply #19 - Mar 2nd, 2010, 11:47am
Don't forget to declare your variables :

Ball ball = getBall(i); 


Ball ball;
ball = getBall(i);
Re: Reference an objects variable
Reply #20 - Mar 2nd, 2010, 2:48pm
...or you can just not create a new variable at all and do:


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