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PRIME Number Finder (Read 5759 times)
Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #15 - Nov 24th, 2009, 2:03pm
Hi. I would love to share the source code but I have a crazy plan of selling it or something. I will out line the test I use though.

I use x as an odd number and add two every test I get through. The test is

   if (countdif==0)

This is used for all the primes under half of the number it and if if it is a prime it adds the prime to the array. This is faster than checking by all the numbers under the number because it doesn't have to chech as many numbers (it only checks primes) and things can only be divisible by things smaller or equal to half of them.

Thanks for the interest I hope I haven't lost anyone with my explanation.


P.S. Is this acctually a hard thing to do. I had no idea and did it for the fun of it.

Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #16 - Nov 24th, 2009, 2:03pm
Are you working on any new projects Beatsy? Roll Eyes How abour a Fibbonacci number finder, 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21 and so on.
Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #17 - Nov 24th, 2009, 2:07pm
Yup I was told by a good friend that I should do exactally that. It would be cool but you see the chalenge isn't the same primes are harder to find. Another problem could be that it would become to big for Processing to work with (ints only go to 2^32) except as a float which get a bit hard a appreciate. Cool Idea. Maybe you should try.

I'll think on it and maybe send you the source code if I get any where.

I am working on a 3-D FPS and a 2-D game which is like a game of life.

I don't know if they will take off.
Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #18 - Nov 24th, 2009, 5:01pm
In a prime number finder, you only must check up to the SQUARE ROOT, not HALF of the number you are checking. It'll save you a lot of time in the long run.

Alright, I'll share my code. I have no interest in making money off my code. Someday I'ld like to run it off a supercomputer and see just how far it gets!

Mine, though it looks inefficient in the way it test for primes, finished running in one day. All the way to 1 billion. Not bad, I'd say! I haven't checked how my primes I have collected; have to wait 'til I get back to school next Monday!

If someone can tell me a better way to host the code on the forum, I'd love to know!

PrintWriter primes;

void setup() {
 primes = createWriter("primes.txt");

void draw() {
 int num = 3;
 while(num < 999999999) {
   for(int i = 3; i <= sqrt(num); i+=2) {
     if(num%i == 0) {
       i = 1;
Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #19 - Nov 25th, 2009, 1:39pm
Thanks that is useful. I'll have to update my code.

It's up to 28-mill

By the way I typed up the Fibonacci finder

heres the code for those interested.

float x=1;
float last;
float last2;
float [] fibs= new float [1];

void setup()

void draw()
 println (x);
if ((x<0)||(fibs.length>187))

Sorry but I haven't tried to make it work out all the digits of the numbers as it uses floats. I would love to see it developed so that it could though.
I hope that helps you Ellen.
Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #20 - Nov 25th, 2009, 3:01pm
Mine finished up to 1 billion in less than a day! Yay!! I'll have to check it out next Monday, as I don't have access to the school computer over the holiday. I just wonder how large that text document will be!! My brother checked on it for me since I had my wisdom teeth out yesterday and didn't go to school. He said it did finish, though.

Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #21 - Nov 25th, 2009, 4:15pm
Nice... Why is mine so slow???

Still it's kinda cool. What is the computer your using?
Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #22 - Nov 25th, 2009, 9:22pm
I was using a Dell laptop. I haven't a clue why mine can run so much faster except it doesn't have to deal with arrays. Though my way sounds a lot more inefficient, clearly it's much more efficient! I think by not having to run through arrays and add numbers to arrays it makes it go faster.

I even made an Ulam spiral program; I'll have to update it with my latest prime number list come Monday. It'll be a really big spiral, that's for sure!

Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #23 - Nov 28th, 2009, 7:35am
With an ancient algorithm and some efficient memory usage, I made a prime finder which finds all primes below:
  • 1 million : less than a second
  • 100 million : 5s
  • 1 billion : 1m20s
  • 10 billion : 15m
  • 23 billion : half an hour

This algorithm requires a lot of memory. I had to increase my maximum available memory to 1.6Gb to be able to calculate all primes below 23 billion. Someone with more memory can probably reach a higher number with this program.

After execution of the algorithm all primes are in the computer memory. So just use the isPrime function to check whether a number is a prime.

A lot of optimizations can be applied to this code, but I made it as efficient as I can while keeping the code as readable as I can (I'm not sure if I succeeded  Undecided).

So here's the code:


//Edit the primelimit to set the upper limit

//long primeLimit = 1000000L;//<1s 1 million
//long primeLimit = 10000000L;//<1s 10 million
long primeLimit = 100000000L;//5s 100 million
//long primeLimit = 1000000000L;//79s 1 billion
//long primeLimit = 10000000000L;//884s 10 billion
//long primeLimit = 2368000000L;//2214s

//The array which contains which numbers are primes and which are not
int[] sieve;

//Indices which indicate where a number is located in the memory
int currentArrayIndex = 0;//Inside the sieve array
int currentBitIndex = 0;  //Inside the int at that location
long currentNb = 3;       //The number we are processing

//The font
PFont font;
//Number of primes handled for each draw, to prevent animation time to interfere with calculation time
int nbRunsPerDraw = 1;
//The calculation start time
long startTime;

boolean stop = false;
int[] gIndex = new int[2];

void setup()
 size(800, 300);

 font = createFont("Arial", 48);

 int[] index = nbToIndex(primeLimit);
 sieve = new int[index[0]+1];

 startTime = millis();
 println("Limit: " + primeLimit());

* Check wether a number is prime or not
* throws index out of bounds if the number is too large
boolean isPrime(long number)
 if(number < 2) return false;
 if(number == 2) return true;
 if(number%2 == 0) return false;

 return isPrimeEff(number);

void draw()
 String prime = "Prime Calculator";
 text(prime, width/2-textWidth(prime)/2, height/4);

 String maxNb = "Max: " + primeLimit();
 text(maxNb, width/2-textWidth(maxNb)/2, height*3/4);

 if(currentArrayIndex < sieve.length)
   String nb = ""+currentNb;
   text(nb, width/2-textWidth(nb)/2, height/2);

   //println("" + currentNb);

   long time = millis();
   for(int i = 0; i < nbRunsPerDraw; i++)
   if(millis()-time < 200)
     nbRunsPerDraw = (nbRunsPerDraw > 100000000)? nbRunsPerDraw : (nbRunsPerDraw*2);
     startTime = (millis()-startTime)/1000;
     println("Found in: " + startTime + " s");
     stop = true;

     /* print all primes below 1000
      for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

   String found = "All primes found in " + startTime + " s";
   text(found, width/2-textWidth(found)/2, height/2);

long primeLimit()
 long maxNb = sieve.length;
 return 2*32*maxNb;

void sieve()
 long m = 3;

 int sieveSize = sieve.length;
 int[] index = new int[2];

 //Get the location in memory of the multiple of the current prime
 nbToIndex(m*currentNb, index);

 //Mark all multiples of the current prime number as not prime
 while(index[0] < sieveSize)

   //Increment multiplier
   m += 2;      

   //Get the location in memory of the multiple of the current prime
   nbToIndex(m*currentNb, index);


void markNonPrime(int[] index)
 sieve[index[0]] |= (1<<index[1]);

void findNextPrime()
   currentBitIndex = (currentBitIndex + 1)%32;
   if(currentBitIndex == 0)
     currentArrayIndex += 1;
   currentNb = indexToNb(currentArrayIndex, currentBitIndex);
 while(currentArrayIndex < sieve.length && !isPrimeEff(currentNb));

* Precondition: number >= 3 and number is odd
boolean isPrimeEff(long number)
 nbToIndex(number, gIndex);

 return ((sieve[gIndex[0]] & (1<<gIndex[1])) == 0);

long indexToNb(long arrayIndex, long bitIndex)
 return 2*(arrayIndex*32+bitIndex)+3;

* Precondition: number >= 3 and number is odd
int[] nbToIndex(long number)
 int[] index = new int[2];
 nbToIndex(number, index);
 return index;

* Precondition: number >= 3 and number is odd
void nbToIndex(long number, int[] index)
 long ind = (number-3)>>1;
 index[0] = (int)(ind>>5);
 index[1] = (int)(ind%32);

Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #24 - Nov 28th, 2009, 9:43am
What about the Quadratic Sieve used also for RSA Challenge?
this Erastotene's is really cool, too but not the best for bigger unmbers
Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #25 - Nov 28th, 2009, 9:54am
No, it's the regular sieve.
As I said, a lot of optimizations are possible, but the approach I used yields very elegant and simple code (imho).
Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #26 - Nov 28th, 2009, 10:30am
I agree it's simple and clear, cool!
Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #27 - Dec 2nd, 2009, 2:15pm
Hi I have decided to post the source code and it would be great if people could given suggestions as to how to make it better.

PrintWriter output;
float MTM=0;
String TM;
int [] primes=new int[1];
float PR;
int x=3;
int view=0;
int lastprime;
PFont font;
boolean prime=true;
int veiwW=0;
int savergap=100;
int maxpersave=savergap;
int primeslength1;
int pps;
color alert=color(0,255,0);
float framerate=60;
int starttime;
int time;
String [] times=new String[2];

void setup()
 font = loadFont("Algerian-48.vlw");
 textFont(font, 48);
times= loadStrings("time.txt");
 primes= int(loadStrings("primes.txt"));
 output = createWriter("data/primes.txt");
 int counter=0;

void draw()
 if (primes.length>3)

void keyPressed()
if (keyCode==ESC)
if(key==' ')

void setup_primes()
 if ((primes.length>maxpersave-2)||((primes.length==maxpersave)))
 if (x>2147483647)

void test_primes()
 int counter;
 int countdif;
 if (x%2==0)
   if (countdif==0)
 if ((prime)&&(x%2==1))

void display_primes()
 text("last prime:"+lastprime,20,60);
 text("checking:"+x+"  PPS:"+int(pps),20,120);
 text("Found Primes:"+primes.length,20,180);

void save_primes()
 if ((primes.length>maxpersave)||(keyPressed))
   alert= color(0,255,0);
   times[0]  = str(int(time+starttime));
   times[1]  = int((time+starttime)/3600.0)+":"+int((time+starttime)/60.0%60)+":"+int((time+sta
   saveStrings("data/time.txt", times);
 if ((time+starttime)%30==0)
   times[0]  = str(int(time+starttime));
   times[1]  = int((time+starttime)/3600.0)+":"+int((time+starttime)/60.0%60)+":"+int((time+sta
   saveStrings("data/time.txt", times);

void view_primes()

 text("Prime No# "+view%primes.length,40,50);
 text("of "+primes.length,40,100);
 if ((mousePressed)&&(mouseX>width-30)&&(mouseX<width-10))

 if ((keyPressed)&&(keyCode==UP))
 if ((keyPressed)&&(keyCode==DOWN))

void view_stats()
 text("TNM"+TM+" PTS: "+((100+primes.length-maxpersave)%100),20,50);
text( "T:"+int((time+starttime)/3600.0)+":"+int((time+starttime)/60.0%60)+":"+int((tim
 text("FPS:"+int(frameRate)+"  Frame Speed: "+int((frameRate/framerate)*100.0)+"%",40,100);
 text("Prime Rate:"+int(PR)+"  APR:"+int(10*float(lastprime)/float(primes.length))/10.0,40,150);


void view_clock()
int count=0;

Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #28 - Dec 2nd, 2009, 2:41pm
By the way the sieve of Eratosthenes is a clever way to check them. Someone should explore the large scale possibilities. I have been thinking of making a prime finder that is based on the powers of two minus one as an array of digits so that they can be as large as you like this would et very big numbers fast but would be tricky to get the test working. Using the sieve of Eratosthenes with that would be good.
Re: PRIME Number Finder
Reply #29 - Dec 2nd, 2009, 5:09pm
Alright, here's what I think...the main goal is to generate prime numbers. Once you have them generated, testing them is easy: check the list (if it's less than or equal to the largest number in your list), and if the number is on there, it's prime. You can determine by the Sieve of Eratosthenes any number up to the square of the largest number in your list. You are only limited to how large of a number your program can handle. The way I see it, that's the most efficient way of doing things. Though I like all of the frills that both your programs have to offer, I am striving to create a program that runs as fast as possible and only does the math and output to a text file.

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