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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › 2d water simulation with refraction
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2d water simulation with refraction (Read 4787 times)
Re: 2d water simulation with refraction
Reply #15 - Mar 23rd, 2010, 4:13am
That's ok.

I will post the code here when I get it pretty close to what you are trying to achieve.
Re: 2d water simulation with refraction
Reply #16 - Mar 24th, 2010, 8:21am
Thank You Andrew,
in the while i will burn my brain with spaghetti (rectangular) code!
K.I.T [keep in touch]
Re: 2d water simulation with refraction
Reply #17 - Apr 12th, 2010, 7:16am
at this point actually - found a simple circular ripple code on openprocessing and apply little changes:

Ripple[] rip; // Declare the object array
int numRipples = 50; // Max number of ripples
int currentRipple = 0; // To keep track
color bg = 255;

int c1 = 255; // Color array
int c2 = 127;
color[] c = {
color(c1, c2, 0), color(c1, 0, c2), color(c2, c1, 0), color(c2, 0, c1), color(0, c2, c1), };

void setup() {
size(500, 500);
rip = new Ripple[numRipples]; // Create the object
for (int i = 0; i < numRipples; i++) {
rip[i] = new Ripple();

void draw() {
for (int i = 0; i < numRipples; i++) {
rip[i].resize(); // Change the parameters
rip[i].display(); // Actually draw 'em

void mousePressed() {
int which = round(random(4)); // pick a color, any color (or the number associateing to that color in the array)
rip[currentRipple].xy(mouseX, mouseY, which); // tell the upcoming ripple where it should be made and what color it should be
currentRipple++; // advance to the next ripple int the array
if (currentRipple >= numRipples) { // Reset if we max out numRipples
currentRipple = 0;

class Ripple { // The ripple class
float x, y; //
float diameter, alph;
boolean on = false;
color colors;

void xy(float xpos, float ypos, color shade) {
x = xpos;
y = ypos;
on = true;
diameter = 1;
colors = shade;


void resize() {
if (on == true) {
if (diameter < 200) {
alph = abs((diameter*1.275)-255);
} else {
on = false;

void display() {
// stroke(c[colors], alph);
stroke(0, alph);
rect(x, y, diameter, diameter);

void keyPressed() {
if (keyCode == ' ') {
if (bg == 0) {
bg = 255;
} else {
bg = 0;
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