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'Remix' my sketch (Read 3878 times)
Re: 'Remix' my sketch
Reply #15 - Jun 20th, 2008, 4:43am
//An edit of the last one


import processing.opengl.*;  
import javax.media.opengl.*;  
import java.util.ArrayList;  

PGraphicsOpenGL pgl;  
GL gl;  

// list that holds circles  
ArrayList circles;  
// number of circles to create initially  
int circleCount = 20;  
// max and min size of circles  
float maxSize = 4;  
float minSize = 4;  
// max speed for circles  
float speed = 3;  
float center = 100;
float vxc = random(-speed/center, speed/center);  
float vyc = random(-speed/center, speed/center);  

// glow toggle  
boolean glow=true;  

//random movement toggle:
boolean randomBool = false;

void setup() {  
 // fill the circles list with circle objects  
 circles = new ArrayList();  
 for (int i=0; i<circleCount; i++) {  
   // random color with opacity of 20 (weighted toward blues & greens)  
   color c = color(random(150), random(180), random(150),250);  
   // add the circle to circles list  
   circles.add(new Circle(random(width), random(height), random(maxSize - minSize) + minSize, c));  

void bezier(int i) {
 // bezierpoints of a circle, change when it bounces
 Circle[] bp= new Circle[6];
 bp[0]= (Circle) circles.get(i);
 bp[1]= (Circle) circles.get((bp[0].to[0])%circleCount);
 bp[2]= (Circle) circles.get((bp[0].to[1])%circleCount);  
 bp[3]= (Circle) circles.get((bp[0].to[2])%circleCount);

void draw() {  

 if (glow) {  

 // draw lines connecting circles
 for (int i=1; i<circleCount; i++) {

 // loop through the circle objects in circles list  
 for (int i=0; i<circles.size(); i++) {  
   Circle circle = (Circle) circles.get(i);  
   // move circles  
   else {
   // draw circles  


class Circle {  
 // x and y position, radius, x and y velocities  
 float x, y, r, vx, vy;  
 float ax, ay; //just acceleration variables
 float damp; //this will act as friction  
 int step; //maximum step in random movement
 // circle color  
 color c;  
 int[] to = {  
   2,4,6   };  

 Circle(float _x, float _y, float _r, color _c) {  
   x = _x;    
   y = _y;    
   r = _r;    
   c = _c;  
   float z = random(10);
   if (z < 5) {
vx = random(-speed, speed);  
vy = random(-speed, speed);  
   else {
vx = vxc;  
vy = vyc;  

   damp = 0.9;
   step = 1;

 // draw circle  
 void display() {  
   ellipse(x, y, r*2, r*2);  

 // move circle  
 void move() {  
   // bounce against the sides  
   if (x - r < 0) {  
x = r + 1;  
vx *= -1;  
   else if (x + r > width) {  
x = width - r - 1;  
vx *= -1;  
   if (y - r < 0) {  
y = r + 1;  
vy *= -1;  
   else if (y + r > height) {  
y = height - r - 1;  
vy *= -1;  
  vy += .1;
   // add velocities to position  
   x += vx;  
   y += vy;  

 void moveRandomly(){
   //this is a slight variation from a Keith Peter's tutorial for Flash,  
   //wich ca be found here:http://www.bit-101.com/tutorials/elasticiy.html
   ax = random(-step, step);
   vx += ax;
   vx *= damp;
   x += vx;

   ay = random(-step, step);
   vy += ay;
   vy *= damp;
   y += vy;
   //i just copied this bit from the "move" function
   // bounce against the sides  
   if (x - r < 0) {  
x = r + 1;  
vx *= -1;  
   else if (x + r > width) {  
x = width - r - 1;  
vx *= -1;  
   if (y - r < 0) {  
y = r + 1;  
vy *= -1;  
   else if (y + r > height) {  
y = height - r - 1;  
vy *= -1;  


// opengl blending as seen here http://www.rui-m.com/p5/Boids/ ;)  
// Rui: i think i forgot to put in that Boids source that the additive blend is taken from a Robert Hodgin tutorial  
// wich can be found here: http://www.flight404.com/blog/?p=71 :)
void glowStuff(){  
 pgl = (PGraphicsOpenGL) g;  
 gl = pgl.beginGL();  

void keyPressed() {  
 if (key == 'd'){  
   glow = !glow;  
 if(key == 'r' || key == 'R'){ // R is for Random
   randomBool = !randomBool;
Re: 'Remix' my sketch
Reply #16 - Jul 15th, 2008, 9:07pm
just had a look at the first, last, and a few random ones in between... brilliant evolution and concept! It is a bit hard to follow the thread with such long posts! would be ace to have an archive where they can be viewed with downloadable source!
Re: 'Remix' my sketch
Reply #17 - Jul 15th, 2008, 9:31pm
I will put them up on a website soon so they'll be much easier to view. This turned out pretty cool!
Re: 'Remix' my sketch
Reply #18 - Jul 23rd, 2008, 6:54pm

i'm a beginner in the world of processing with a bit of c++ background. The thing i'm wondering about in most of these sketches is de trail or afterglow that follows the balls and lines. I looked trough the code but i just can't find where this is handled. Could anyone explain this maybe?

I'm positive it is not the OPENGL.

Re: 'Remix' my sketch
Reply #19 - Jul 23rd, 2008, 7:41pm
Hi Gungir. You will notice in the draw() function there is no background() call. So the framebuffer is never being fully cleared. Instead a rectangle is being drawn over the entire screen with an alpha of 10 (i.e. semitransparent, so fading out the a bit the previous frame).
Re: 'Remix' my sketch
Reply #20 - Jul 23rd, 2008, 7:56pm
Hi memo,

i indeed noticed the absence of the background(); that but i think i missed the part of the 10 alpha. It's a smart trick, thanks for clearing that up Smiley

Re: 'Remix' my sketch
Reply #21 - Jul 24th, 2008, 9:20am

I experimented with this effect, but what I noticed is that this technique will always leave a ghost image behind and never fades completely to black.  Does anyone know of a good technique to achieve a fading trail effect? My guess is that you'd have to check each pixel and set it closer to black (perhaps by decrementing the brightness?) until it reaches black.  In fact I think I'll try this and report back. Wink
Re: 'Remix' my sketch
Reply #22 - Jul 24th, 2008, 10:28am
I answered my own question.  Here is how to achieve a fading trail. Check out fade() in this sketch. Hope this helps someone. Sorry for interrupting the remixing!

class Ball{
 int x,y,diameter;
 float x_speed,y_speed;

 Ball(int x_in, int y_in, int diameter_in, float x_speed_in, float y_speed_in) {
   x = x_in;
   y = y_in;
   diameter = diameter_in;
   x_speed = x_speed_in;
   y_speed = y_speed_in;

 void draw_ball() {
   ellipse(x, y, diameter ,diameter);

 void move() {
   x += x_speed;
   y += y_speed;
   if ( (x + diameter/2 >= width) || (x - diameter/2 <= 0) )
   if ( (y + diameter/2 >= height) || (y - diameter/2 <= 0) )

 void x_bounce() {
   x_speed = -x_speed;

 void y_bounce() {
   y_speed = -y_speed;

Ball my_ball;

void setup() {
 my_ball = new Ball(int(random(20,width-20)), int(random(20,height-20)),20, 2, 1);

void draw() {

void fade() {
 float bright;
 for(int i=0; i < width*height; i++){
     //      bright = brightness(pixels[y*width+x]);
     bright = brightness(pixels[i]);
     if (bright > 0)
     pixels[i] = color( hue(pixels[i]), saturation(pixels[i]), bright);
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