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printing (Read 4413 times)
Re: printing
Reply #15 - Sep 17th, 2009, 8:44am
Automator is not totally intuitive.  You have to have an "action" step in your right-hand tray for every single little thing.  So it sounds like the Folder Action script is being triggered, just that the script isn't doing what you want it to.  Does the script work when you run it just from within Automator?  It has to work there first.  Make sure you have an "input" action (I forget what it's called, something like "get files" or "get new files in folder" etc.) that feeds the new file you want to print to your "print" action.
Re: printing
Reply #16 - Sep 17th, 2009, 1:04pm
Uhm---yes, it should run in Automator and no, it doesn't. It must be that it doesn't know what to run on. The only input actions in the list that look remotely appropriate are Get Selected Finder Items and Get Specified Finder Items. I didn't see anything that would look for something new in a folder---or allow me to somehow designate what's new. It's important that it be able to find a new item, since I can't tell it a file name, as new items will come in named with the time of creation.
Re: printing
Reply #17 - Sep 17th, 2009, 1:31pm
Well, give them both a try until you find something that works.

You can also try referencing other online tutorials on how to do this.  Some of these have Automator workflows and AppleScripts you can download and modify to fit your needs:



Re: printing
Reply #18 - Sep 17th, 2009, 1:49pm
I will definitely do it! Thanks for the tutorial references, and mucho thanks for your time on this. If you have any sudden flashes of insight, call collect... http://processing.org/discourse/yabb2/yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/smiley.gif
Re: printing
Reply #19 - Sep 17th, 2009, 1:50pm
that was supposed to be a smiley face.....
Re: printing
Reply #20 - Sep 24th, 2009, 7:35am
Update on automatic printing of a PDF saved from a running Processing animation:

First, thanks to Scott M. for getting me very close. Second, it's working! Here's what I did:
The key is to start with Automator (Mac OS X). In Automator, from the list under Library, select Photos. From the Photos list, select Print Images and drag it to the space on the right where you build workflows. It turns out that this is all you need, so save it with Save as Plug-In." In the drop-down window, name your new script, select Folder Actions where it says Plug-In for:, and then put in the name of the folder where you want this to happen where it says Attached to Folder:. Make sure that Folder Actions are enabled on that folder (see Scott's directions above), and you're set. The script will do it's thing (in this case, printing) on the next new file to be added to that folder, whatever it's name. You don't have to explicitly identify the new file for the script to work.
Re: printing
Reply #21 - Sep 24th, 2009, 8:18am
Really nice!
I wish i had a printer to try myself.
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