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FTP Upload (Read 12095 times)
Re: FTP Upload
Reply #15 - Jun 1st, 2009, 1:19am
The problem with your method, action_owl, is that obviously it is not portable across systems... Not to mention it won't work in an applet; which is not a good idea anyway, unless you are ready to give away your login credentials...

That's for codecoaster: if an applet you distribute does FTP, it probably uses a login and password in clear text in the Java program. Somebody can easily find these information and use it.

The advantage of the batch method, if that's only for your own use, is that it doesn't use an extra library.
Re: FTP Upload
Reply #16 - Jun 10th, 2009, 10:27am
When the edtftp jar files are unzipped in the applet folder the noClassFound exceptions dont occur.
Now I have a file permission problem. The applet is run in the clients browser and saves a very simple text file to the clients machine. This file must be uploaded to the server. There are a lot of security errors and ends with this one:

Logging in
Setting up passive, ASCII transfers
Putting file
Error java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission user.dir read)
   Any help appreciated!
Re: FTP Upload
Reply #17 - Feb 22nd, 2010, 5:32pm
I used editftpj for a school project and i just went to their site manual

enterprisedt.com/products/edtftpj/examples/howto/index.html sorry i can't post links

it doesn't really matter that its processing just import library at the start and use the ftp code

First post
Re: FTP Upload
Reply #18 - Mar 15th, 2010, 1:36am
Thank you for sharing the code. I am eternally grateful..  Smiley
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