25 most Recent Topics - Processing Discourse catselect_opensource.html - Processing Discourse en-us Processing Discourse Thu, 22 Mar 2012 06:09:19 +0000 http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 30 Libraries,  Tool Development - New library: touchatag RFID readers on Processing num_1269777690.html#6 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1269777690.html#6 Fri, 18 Jun 2010 04:34:14 +0000 UndeadIwag, are you running the library in Windows? Do you get that error in the example provided? Core,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) - println() from application? num_1276732652.html#3 Processing Discourse/Core,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) num_1276732652.html#3 Thu, 17 Jun 2010 13:46:54 +0000 Thanks both for your suggestions, but I finally got it figured out. &nbsp;I don't know if it's something wrong on my pc or what, but using a simple . for classpath wasn't expanding. &nbsp;Changed it to ./* and all is working. &nbsp;<img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/smiley.gif" border="0" alt="Smiley" title="Smiley" /><br /><br />Now just takes &quot;java NameOfSketch&quot; to run from the /lib folder. (as it should)<br /><br />fwiw, using -cp (or -classpath) ./* on command line didn't work, but setting same as env var does, so i'm happy enough, i think my system is just a bit wonky<br /> Core,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) - Processing 64bit on Mac num_1276681108.html#1 Processing Discourse/Core,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) num_1276681108.html#1 Wed, 16 Jun 2010 18:42:50 +0000 Processing in 64 bit does not play well with quicktime, which causes problems with some sketches.<br /><br />On my machine (10.6), even unchecking 'run in 32 bit mode' as an option on the Processing.app does not actually get it to run as a 64 bit app. I do not know of a way to get it to run as a 64 bit app, short of modifying the source yourself and compiling it. Libraries,  Tool Development - Twitter Streaming API Library num_1262217023.html#10 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1262217023.html#10 Mon, 14 Jun 2010 06:26:21 +0000 Hey! Thanks for sharing a great library!<br /><br />Do you know why I am getting delay responses from twitter if it does not recieve any data. I am looking to use this project to show a certain #tag every time one is posted, which in some cases isn't so often!<br /><br />How can I make it refresh every second without this delay?<br /><br />Thanks<br />poly Libraries,  Tool Development - Paths in libraries (for Beads) num_1276123587.html#2 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1276123587.html#2 peterkirn@gmail.com (peterkirn) Fri, 11 Jun 2010 19:52:48 +0000 Thanks, that's a great help, actually!<br /><br />I did sort out the other issue; I was misreading an exception - going to adjust the way those exceptions are handled in the library. Libraries,  Tool Development - DMX ouput library - suggestion num_1128939792_30.html#31 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1128939792_30.html#31 Fri, 11 Jun 2010 14:04:36 +0000 I've the same request of intellijel but I'm working with Enttec Open Dmx interface and the Juanjo Lopez library.<br /><br />I need to send multiple dmx values at the same time like prodmx version 0.0.3<br /><br /> <b>Quote:</b><br /><div class="quote" style="width: 90%; overflow: auto;">DMX.setDMXChannels(values), where the argument values must be an int array with length equal to the size specified in the constructor of the DMX object. </div><br /><br />ac make a great job but now I'm switched to the free interface.<br /><br />any suggestion?<br /> Libraries,  Tool Development - napplet: Embedded & windowed sub-sketches (v0.3.0) num_1272389054_30.html#35 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1272389054_30.html#35 Fri, 11 Jun 2010 10:14:58 +0000 Cedric: Thanks for the kind words!<br /><br />juli:  Glad to hear it's working in processing at least.<br /><b><a class="message" href="num_1272389054_30.html#33">juli84 wrote</a> on Jun 11<sup>th</sup>, 2010, 6:28am:</b><br /><div class="quote" style="width: 90%">1. He tells me that there is no &quot;&lt;init&gt;&quot; function within the sub Applets so i added an init function named like the sub-applet itself to all sub Applets. Problem solved. (not sure)<br /><br />2. Exception in thread &quot;Animation Thread&quot; java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: screenWidth </div><br />Hmm, I haven't run into either of these errors, and from your description I'm not sure how you'd be running into them.<br /><br /><a href="http://github.com/acsmith/napplet/tree/master/src/napplet/test" target="_blank">Here</a> is the code for the test classes I've used and run from Eclipse.  The simplest example is probably the  <a href="http://github.com/acsmith/napplet/blob/master/src/napplet/test/Animator.java" target="_blank">Animator napplet</a> and the <a href="http://github.com/acsmith/napplet/blob/master/src/napplet/test/AnimatorTest.java" target="_blank">AnimatorTest sketch</a>.  (These are also in the &quot;src/napplet/test&quot; folder of the napplet library install.) &nbsp;Look at those and see if maybe they give you a clue what's not working with your code.<br /><br />If not, try compiling and running them yourself within Eclipse; if they don't run for you then at least we can narrow down the problem.<br /><br />Finally, if nothing else works, post some code here that gives the error you're getting and I'll see if it makes sense to me.<br /><br />Thanks!<br /> Libraries,  Tool Development - Blinkenlights Video output library num_1276260135.html#0 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1276260135.html#0 Fri, 11 Jun 2010 05:42:15 +0000 hey guys<br /><br />I just wrote a little processing library to display blinkenlights movies.<br /><br />more infos (and two videos) can be found here: <a href="http://www.neophob.com/2010/06/processing-blinkenlights-library/" target="_blank">http://www.neophob.com/2010/06/processing-blinkenlights-library/</a><br /><br />project site is located here: <a href="http://code.google.com/p/processing-blinkenlights/downloads/list" target="_blank">http://code.google.com/p/processing-blinkenlights/downloads/list</a><br /><br />what do i need to get added to the library page Libraries,  Tool Development - controlP5 num_1163646039_240.html#249 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1163646039_240.html#249 Thu, 10 Jun 2010 18:35:03 +0000 @slex, thanks for reporting. will fix it. <br />thanks for all the other suggestions and hints as well, working on it now.<br /> Libraries,  Tool Development - say hello to ani (another new animation library) num_1268569670_15.html#22 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1268569670_15.html#22 Wed, 09 Jun 2010 07:23:44 +0000 hi all,<br /><br />i had finally the time to complete all missing parts (bugs, website, demos, examples, javadoc ...) and put them together <img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/smiley.gif" border="0" alt="Smiley" title="Smiley" /><br /><br />so here we go with the first official release 1.2 of Ani:<br /><a href="http://www.looksgood.de/libraries/Ani/" target="_blank">http://www.looksgood.de/libraries/Ani/</a><br /><br />give it a try!<br />benedikt Libraries,  Tool Development - G4P new release (1.6) num_1276023480.html#5 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1276023480.html#5 Wed, 09 Jun 2010 06:22:27 +0000 Yes, it is part of the flexibility... The Tom &amp; Jerry button is similar, somehow... Libraries,  Tool Development - Minim: new audio library for processing num_1175037473_15.html#27 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1175037473_15.html#27 mggrnt@yahoo.com (megg) Tue, 08 Jun 2010 02:31:31 +0000 first of all, let me say thanks for the great library.  i'm using it in my first project with processing and so far, so good.<br /><br />except of course one problem!  :)<br /><br />i'm having a problem closing my files.  i have 80 sound files in total and i'm playing around 20 at once, selected via an external interface.  but when i trigger the stop() function, also via the external interface, i get the following error:<br /><br /><span style="color: #ff0000;">Exception in thread &quot;Animation Thread&quot; java.lang.NullPointerException at ddf.mimin.javasound.JSBaseAudioRecordingStream.close(JSBaseAudioRecordingStream.java:362) ... etc</span><br /><br />i have all my AudioPlayer objects listed in the stop() function (player1.close(), player2.close, player3.close(), and so on...) and i call the stop() function from within a conditional statement in draw().  so effectively i try to close all my AudioPlayer objects in the stop function regardless of whether or not they're being used.<br /><br />i don't think the problem is that i'm trying to close objects that are not playing, as i did a bit of debugging that indicated this isn't the problem.  does anyone have any suggestions or can point me to some resources that could help me?  i hope i've explained myself clearly... Libraries,  Tool Development - PEEP Eye Tracker Library num_1266256717.html#3 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1266256717.html#3 Mon, 07 Jun 2010 06:22:52 +0000 ok...i saw it too on the peep.text20.net site...=(<br />but i`m sure there are other possibilities for eye-tracking<br />does anybody know an other possibility??<br />thx<br /><br /> Libraries,  Tool Development - Multi-touch library - tuioZones num_1239687573.html#9 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1239687573.html#9 Mon, 07 Jun 2010 01:48:19 +0000 Hi!<br /><br />I'm trying to use tuioZone to make some controls... like sliders, boutons.<br />The latest release (1.9) with drag limits is very nice for sliders.<br />But I'm still looking for some options... It would be great if we could disable the ownership thing... <br />I'd like to have a slider that respond to a touchpoint entered in canva or in another zone, and released when touch goes out of the zone (drag limits for a draggable zone, zone limits for a bouton)...<br />I tried mixing controlP5 and tuioZone but I'm not good enough...<br /><br />Thanks! Libraries,  Tool Development - G4P - GUI Inteface Library - latest release num_1244498240_15.html#20 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1244498240_15.html#20 peter@lagers.org.uk (Quark) Sat, 05 Jun 2010 06:30:56 +0000 Thanks for letting me know and I will get rid of the stack trace and replace it with a friendly message in the next version.<br /> <img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/smiley.gif" border="0" alt="Smiley" title="Smiley" /> Core,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) - heap space error as a result of comments num_1272048982.html#1 Processing Discourse/Core,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) num_1272048982.html#1 Fri, 04 Jun 2010 20:37:30 +0000 That's nifty, but I couldn't reproduce it. Can you post the sketch that causes the error? (Copy for Discourse maybe?) Libraries,  Tool Development - Processing.js export tool num_1270309988.html#9 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1270309988.html#9 Fri, 04 Jun 2010 02:01:18 +0000 Version 0.0.6 is out of the door. Mainly bug fixes and no new features.<br /><br />F Core,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) - Odd indentation behavior in processing IDE num_1275448299.html#2 Processing Discourse/Core,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) num_1275448299.html#2 Thu, 03 Jun 2010 21:11:33 +0000 I'm also unable to reproduce it. I tried writing the brackets first, and then typing in the println statements. A more detailed explanation of exactly what you're doing might help. Libraries,  Tool Development - New animation library w/ timeline/keyframes tweens num_1261940382_30.html#34 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1261940382_30.html#34 Wed, 02 Jun 2010 19:14:37 +0000 So I think I may have found the root of my problem. &nbsp;In looking through the source on GoogleCode I was able to find the setEnd() method:<br /><br /> <b>Code:</b><pre class="code"><br &#47;>  public void setEnd&#40;float _end&#41; &#123;<br &#47;>    begin = position;<br &#47;>    end = _end;<br &#47;>    change = end &#45; begin;<br &#47;>  &#125;<br &#47;> </pre><br /><br />I am confused by the first line of this method. &nbsp;It makes me think that anytime I call setEnd(), that I am really going to alter my Begin as well since the begin in going to be reset to the current position. &nbsp;This would seem to be a bug, or maybe I am using these methods incorrectly.<br /><br />My goal is to allow the user to set the start and end positions for the objects, as well as duration through some user controls. &nbsp;Essentially they can adjust the animation and then execute until they get a set of values they like.<br /><br />Ultimately the goal is to add some physics processing such that users could enter a start, end , duration, acceleration time, and deceleration time and then the animation would run using the user values. &nbsp;I would like to get all of this working inside a class, as hopefully there would be multiple objects all running concurrently for each &quot;scene&quot;.<br /><br />Any help/guidance is appreciated.<br /><br />Chuck Core,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) - Moved: 'zoom in/ zoom out' num_1275490393.html#0 Processing Discourse/Core,  Processing Development Environment (PDE) num_1275490393.html#0 Wed, 02 Jun 2010 09:22:36 +0000 <b>This Topic has been moved to </b><a href="num_1275490394.html#0"><i><b>Programs</b></i></a><b> by <i>PhiLho </i></b> Libraries,  Tool Development - The MidiBus MIDI library num_1227841230_45.html#53 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1227841230_45.html#53 Wed, 02 Jun 2010 00:42:57 +0000 Hi there Sparky, I have a small doubt regarding receiving some midi data. I've been doing something like a &quot;midi server for flash&quot; so i could get midi signals into flash and manipulate clips and stuff. It's working greatly for notes and cc, using the noteOn/Off and controllerChange methods. <br /><br />This let me use keys, knobs and the mod wheel my synth has, but i'm not able to receive the pitch bend signals... I've read it uses 2 bytes to send data, so i was wondering if there's any way to get this signal somehow like a controller change.<br /><br />I've tried with the midiMessage and midiRaw, but nothing... did I mention i'm still a newbie? hehe.. I guess this should be easy, but i can't get it  <img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/undecided.gif" border="0" alt="Undecided" title="Undecided" /><br /><br /><b>Thanks in advance, and thanks, once again, for writing this LIB!</b> Libraries,  Tool Development - pre and draw functions aren't working num_1274870085.html#2 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1274870085.html#2 peter@lagers.org.uk (Quark) Fri, 28 May 2010 03:14:42 +0000 These methods are also available<br /> <b>Quote:</b><br /><div class="quote" style="width: 90%; overflow: auto;">public void mouseEvent(MouseEvent e) <br />Called when a mouse event occurs in the parent applet. Drawing is allowed because mouse events are queued. <br /><br /><br />public void keyEvent(KeyEvent e)<br />Called when a key event occurs in the parent applet. Drawing is allowed because key events are queued. <br /> </div><br /><br />Look at <a href="http://dev.processing.org/libraries/basics.html" target="_blank">http://dev.processing.org/libraries/basics.html</a> for more info.<br /><br />Oh and don't forget to register them  <img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/wink.gif" border="0" alt="Wink" title="Wink" /><br /> Libraries,  Tool Development - Shapes3D V1.8.0 (new version) num_1274900035.html#2 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1274900035.html#2 hellor3ct@gmail.com (hello r3ct) Wed, 26 May 2010 12:14:38 +0000 cool stuff! Libraries,  Tool Development - Processing + ChucK => phuck num_1274716460.html#6 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1274716460.html#6 Wed, 26 May 2010 04:58:01 +0000 agh, this is just sad.  <img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/sad.gif" border="0" alt="Sad" title="Sad" /><br />i don't know how to narrow down the issue. If you still have a little time and patience, you could download the library, and see if you can run the examples from the PDE?<br /><br />It <i>seems</i> to work on most Mac systems, no clue what it could be.<br /><br />Here's what the library does, just to document:<br /><br />the ChucK binary for Windows and Mac is located inside the library like this:<br /><br /><a href="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1358257/Screen%20shot%202010-05-26%20at%202.01.53%20PM.png" rel="gb_image[nice_pics]" title="..."><img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1358257/Screen%20shot%202010-05-26%20at%202.01.53%20PM.png" name="post_img_resize" alt="..." title="..." border="0" style="display:none" /></a><br /><br />it's not in the standard data folder because i couldn't figure out how to get it out of there.<br /><br />on runtime, if phuck.launch() is called, the ChucK binary for the respective OS is extracted from the jar and executed from a TEMP location, together with any ChucK script files stored in the app (or in the chuck folder of the sketch, if it's run from the PDE). On Windows it will also set a WINXPSP2 compatibility flag in the registry before execution, because ChucK's OSC implementation seems to be broken on Win7 x64.<br /><br />If it's running, in your task manager you should see a process named <i>chuck[+some numbers]</i>. When the process is ended, it will be deleted from the TEMP location (this seems to work rather well in OS X, sometimes it doesn't in Windows for a reason. If you check your default TEMP folder there might be an accumulation of ChucK binaries, which is bad. Working on it! In Windows the registry flag is then also removed).<br /><br />If you quit the app in any way, the chuck process is set up to notice this (it keeps pinging Processing via OSC) and will finally crash itself. &nbsp;<img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/cheesy.gif" border="0" alt="Cheesy" title="Cheesy" /><br /> Libraries,  Tool Development - Timeline num_1240800499_30.html#35 Processing Discourse/Libraries,  Tool Development num_1240800499_30.html#35 Mon, 24 May 2010 11:25:42 +0000 d.rifkin,<br /><br />Woul it be possible to provide documentation on using the timeline *tool* as a library to embed the gui in a sketch? &nbsp;I have been developing a nearly identical gui element for realtime control and it would be great if I could just use yours. &nbsp;It seems like this would be possible with minimal modification -I've just had some trouble making sense of the structure of all the java files. &nbsp;Please let me know what work needs to be done to use it like that, as I would be happy to contribute. &nbsp;Btw, love your idea to create curves by pulling on the tangent lines. &nbsp;<br /><br />-zach