General Discussion,  Status - Processing Discourse board_Collaboration.html General Discussion,  Status - Processing Discourse en-us Processing Discourse Thu, 22 Mar 2012 06:15:43 +0000 30 Server move in progress num_1275931436.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275931436.html Fri, 18 Jun 2010 08:29:27 +0000 <b><a class="message" href="num_1275931436.html#3">kotakeripik wrote</a> on Jun 16<sup>th</sup>, 2010, 11:53pm:</b><br /><div class="quote" style="width: 90%">is it making the connection very slow  </div><br />No, though the slow connection is one of the reasons for the move. We're hoping that the new server will either fix the problem or if not, give us a better starting point from which to figure out what's causing the problem. This forum will be shut down soon num_1276854723.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1276854723.html Fri, 18 Jun 2010 06:54:38 +0000 Sounds great! &nbsp;I assume the new forum will be at the same URL this one is at right now?<br /><br />Thanks for all the hard work, guys. &nbsp;I've never said &quot;thanks&quot; to the whole Processing team, but I owe you guys a lot, so thanks. Moved: 'worm hole' num_1276597266.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1276597266.html Fri, 18 Jun 2010 02:53:23 +0000 <b>This Topic has been moved to </b><a href="num_1276597267.html#0"><i><b>Programs</b></i></a><b> by <i>REAS</i></b> Changing Forum Software num_1276152126.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1276152126.html Thu, 17 Jun 2010 20:01:00 +0000 I do like the somewhat lightweight feel of the current boards. Sometimes I think there's great power in simplicity. I guess my main concern would be that the new forum be fast, and the thought of widgets and add-ons just makes me shiver! If it works well though I wouldn't be complaining.<br /><br />Also, I just got a shiny new Droid to play with, so something with good mobile support would be fantastic! <img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/wink.gif" border="0" alt="Wink" title="Wink" /><br /><br />Anyways, I'm sure whatever you decide on will be excellent!<br /><br />Jack<br /><br /> personal Map drawing in 3D with a pen tablet. num_1276442454.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1276442454.html Mon, 14 Jun 2010 09:22:18 +0000 thancks to you fellow countryman &nbsp;<img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/wink.gif" border="0" alt="Wink" title="Wink" /><br /><br />I'll try it and contribute if I can &nbsp;<img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/rolleyes.gif" border="0" alt="Roll Eyes" title="Roll Eyes" /><br /><br />next in couple of times ... &nbsp;<img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/cheesy.gif" border="0" alt="Cheesy" title="Cheesy" /> Win7 vs. XP num_1275484772.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275484772.html Mon, 14 Jun 2010 08:50:41 +0000 Windows 7 seems fine to run for me thou,<br />only small numbers of people have trouble <img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/tongue.gif" border="0" alt="Tongue" title="Tongue" /> processing.exe not willing to startup num_1276273525.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1276273525.html Fri, 11 Jun 2010 09:26:45 +0000 Oh, maybe good to know: the computer is not connected to the internet, Java 1.5 SE installed. best hardware for processing and linux num_1276119672.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1276119672.html Wed, 09 Jun 2010 14:41:12 +0000 Hi there, <br /><br />I am going around getting some information about processing and hardware and wanted to know what to aim for, for an optimal processing hardware. <br /><br />For that I would prefer to stay away from mac - and I am thinking of a machine that is optimized for opengl - and video processing - sound hasn't been an issue for me - I simply use a quite decent sound card and never had problem.<br /><br />What are the best video card available for processing on linux ? Is nVidia the way to go ? Is there problem with some card ?<br /><br />On the architecture level - is 32bit to be afraid of ? is 64 bit useless or needed ? Does processing makes good use of Quad core or dual core - or focusing on single cpu is the best idea ? A lot of time processing need other software (like pureData) to have a better foundation for a certain task - if that is taken in consideration - how would that affect the choice of CPU ?<br /><br />What is the most important piece to consider in building the perfect linux processing machine - the quantity of ram? the power of the GPU? the processor power? <br /><br />And how important is the real time kernel in linux ? I saw a massive change from ubuntu to puredyne and wonder how this affect processing. <br /><br />Anyway - this is meant mostly for opening the discussion and see what has been done before - I am preparing a presentation in September and would like to build the computer exclusively to boost processing (and with a bit of pure data <img src="yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/processing_one/wink.gif" border="0" alt="Wink" title="Wink" /> ) <br /><br />thanks <br /> Moved: 'Free augmented reality app' num_1275998201.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275998201.html Tue, 08 Jun 2010 07:13:13 +0000 <b>This Topic has been moved to </b><a href="num_1275998202.html#0"><i><b>Exhibition</b></i></a><b> by <i>fry</i></b> Moved: 'Ipad Processing.js' num_1272110431.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1272110431.html Mon, 07 Jun 2010 10:49:53 +0000 <b>This Topic has been moved to </b><a href="num_1272110432.html#0"><i><b>Processing Implementations</b></i></a><b> by <i>fry</i></b> Moved: 'Modelling a graph using Jer Thorp method' num_1275828493.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275828493.html Mon, 07 Jun 2010 10:11:20 +0000 <b>This Topic has been moved to </b><a href="num_1275828494.html#0"><i><b>Programs</b></i></a><b> by <i>fry</i></b> Moved: 'Recognizing letters in an image' num_1273195655.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1273195655.html Mon, 07 Jun 2010 10:11:00 +0000 <b>This Topic has been moved to </b><a href="num_1273195656.html#0"><i><b>Programs</b></i></a><b> by <i>fry</i></b> Hello and thank you num_1275849309.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275849309.html Sun, 06 Jun 2010 11:35:09 +0000 hi everyone<br /><br />i haven't been using processing very long but i want to thank everybody for the extensive and easy to read documentation that's freely available and easy to navigate.<br /><br />it makes making applications a breeze when the reference material is always handy. Biggest problems i have with coding is remembering any syntax i haven't used for a while. Currently i am writing in a semi procedural fashion whilst i become familiar with how processing operates. Then i will start to use classes etc etc more frequently. in a short space of time i have written a simple program that lights up a stage to reveal and hide hidden objects similar to how magicians work.<br /><br />and a game grid with sound effects that would be hard work in other languages. i will post up the code when i figure out how to. because although it's not advanced code it might help beginners learn some basics.<br /><br />i noticed in other discussions some of you are having problems with mimin audio constantly playing in games etc and not turning off. i had this problem initially and i found the answer was to have a larger buffer than the audio you were loading and to use audioSamples or snippets, and to use a mix of at least 80% of buffer size and to put a delay after triggering each sound. and to combine these with testing for if(!muted) turn on sound<br />or if(muted()) mute the sound and/or variations on this approach. i also discovered that the more code that is applied whilst sound is running also acts as your delay, so that when developing game sounds with little code in to start, you get noise and clicks when sound is looping and there is another sound still not finished playing.unless you put in a delay(largeish number) when the application is further developed you can reduce the delay whilst sound is triggered to a smaller number like delay(2); and to make the game audio better pre record it with some left and right pan already included using two tracks, and to get it sounding good on any audio app before loading it to be running in processing. use volume control and cut out white noise and areas of very low volume between sounds so that the wave spectrum doesn't have to many dips and rises, this will give short game sounds PUNCH <br /><br />hope to post up some easy to read code writing in a basic manner soon <br /> Sketches running slow in Mac Chrome browser num_1274964496.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1274964496.html Fri, 04 Jun 2010 09:42:51 +0000 Yes. I have the same thing. <br /><br />chrome 5.0.375.55<br />os x 10.6.3<br />java version &quot;1.6.0_20&quot;<br /><br />Works just fine in firefox and safari. How to download a code from openprocessing ? num_1275248627.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275248627.html Wed, 02 Jun 2010 03:59:15 +0000 yes, take care and dont include the java file as well. <br /> Strange bug on Snow Leopard + Java 1.6 num_1275252310.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275252310.html (ajstarks) Tue, 01 Jun 2010 11:40:06 +0000 See Bug 1564<br /><br /><br /> Right choice for GIS animation tool? num_1275332198.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275332198.html Tue, 01 Jun 2010 02:15:44 +0000 Well yeah a mix would be cool....especially if we integrate SUMO (a traffic simulator) and with a COLLADA interface (for Blender interaction).<br /><br />Im not sure what would be best: a data generator or a complete animation suite (that is what Blender3D coveres allready very well). Processing T-Shirts 2009/2010 num_1258484716.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1258484716.html Mon, 31 May 2010 16:00:12 +0000 They are amazing !<br />But it is not available for Turkey, so.. New to Processing num_1275328500.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275328500.html Mon, 31 May 2010 11:06:48 +0000 to create your own music visualisation you also need a sound library. i can recommend Minim. <br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />this library inclused several examples on how to load music files, live input and visualize it. You can use its FFT class for doing spectrum analysis.<br /><br />It is not the easiest thing to start with though.<br />if you want to get used to processing itself. you can start here <br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a> jolicloud blues num_1275058451.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275058451.html Sun, 30 May 2010 08:08:43 +0000 <b><a class="message" href="num_1275058451.html#3">koogy wrote</a> on May 30<sup>th</sup>, 2010, 4:44am:</b><br /><div class="quote" style="width: 90%">that suggests, to me anyway, problems with the path or environment. but i could be wrong.<br /><br />i have a gnome menu item for processing that calls it using full pathname (in my case /opt/processing/processing ) and that's fine. but rather than adding /opt/processing to my PATH i have a /home/kooogy/bin/processing script that does a cd to /opt/processing and then runs the processing script. can't remember why... </div><br /><br />I do the same, I think it saves doing classpath stuff  (you can also specify your own SDK home). I also find it pretty useful (to have a custom script) to run different versions of processing eg development, or when there's a new version.<br /> Has anyone tried using opencode ? num_1275092688.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275092688.html Fri, 28 May 2010 17:24:48 +0000 Here is the link<br /><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />It's similar to the following sites<br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /> Moved: 'Starting out with Processing.js' num_1275056812.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275056812.html Fri, 28 May 2010 08:20:27 +0000 <b>This Topic has been moved to </b><a href="num_1275056813.html#0"><i><b>Processing Implementations</b></i></a><b> by <i>PhiLho </i></b> BeagleBoard num_1275002618.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1275002618.html Fri, 28 May 2010 07:20:32 +0000 I was wondering the same thing earlier. I bought a beagleboard a few months ago, and still can't get linux on it. If the OS has Java, I would think processing would work. Ubuntu should work fine, Its hard to get that to boot though. If anyone has made this happen, I will be excited to read about it. Processing game site location request num_1268181758.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1268181758.html Thu, 27 May 2010 05:39:21 +0000 <b>Update </b><br /><br />I found the website<br /><br />Here it is<br /><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br /><br />Angularv1 Processing: bad habits in programming num_1272847113.html Processing Discourse/General Discussion,  Status num_1272847113.html Mon, 24 May 2010 19:32:04 +0000 It all depends on what you're trying to learn how to do.<br /><br />Doing some simple java stuff on the command line isn't a bad place to start. Find some tutorials to build up from wherever you choose to start.<br /><br />But its really MUCH easier to learn how to program if you have a specific project in mind.<br /><br />[obligatory &quot;normal&quot; post]