Wikidata / Wikipedia API access + "big data" general question

edited June 2014 in How To...

hello processing community,

after a long break i have decided to dive into processing again. i wanted to visualize/play around with some statistics and after a few google searches i found that there is a site named "wikidata" where the contents "can be read by humans and machines alike".

i have tried a tool named "autolist" to plot some CSV lists with items and their properties and this is how far ive come: List of all NATO members

the problem is that i cant see the properties of each item. there is a disclaimer that this tool is in development, so im not sure if i'm doing anything wrong or if it is a bug.

So here are the real questions: is there any other, real way to read/export data from wikipedia/wikidata (search for "wikidata" on this forum gave no results)? can someone give me a hint to a general workflow how to get CSV's from there?
are there any other (free) sources to any kind of statistical data (no matter what kind)?


  • edited June 2014

    where are you from? What languages do you have?

  • austria, german + english

  • edited June 2014


    ok, you need to register and get an API-key from them

    insert your API-key instead of my XXXXXXXXXXXX below

    then you can get weather data here





    JSONObject json;
    void setup() {
      json = loadJSONObject("http:/" + "/");
      //  println ( json );  // test 
        JSONObject json2 = json.getJSONObject("response");
      //  println ( json2 );   // test 
        // ----
      // #2
      println ( json2.getString("version"));
      // ----
      // # 3
      JSONObject json3 = json2.getJSONObject("features");
      //  println ( json3.getString("conditions"));
      // -----
      JSONObject json4 = json.getJSONObject("current_observation");
      // ------
      JSONObject json5= json4.getJSONObject("image");
      println ( "------------------------------------");
      //println ( json4 );  // test 
      println ( "------------------------------------X");
      println ( json5.getString("title"));
      // ------
      // "display_location"
      JSONObject json6= json4.getJSONObject("display_location");
      println ( json6.getString("full") + " --- " + json6.getString("city") );
      String windString= json4.getString("wind_string");
      println ( "Wind "+windString );
      String temperature_string = json4.getString("temperature_string");
      println ( "Temp "+ temperature_string );

    (mod edit - split url to stop highlighter highlighting)

  • wow, thx... ever worked with wikipedia/wikidata?

  • not yet...

  • if anyone is interested, here is what i found in "beautiful visualisation" by Julie Steele, Noah Iliinsky

    there is an approach but they dont talk about it in the book

  • edited June 2014 Answer ✓

    can you show the code from the book? Because google doesn't show it.

    I made this though.

    You have to combine WDQ and Wikidata API

    The data you get is incredible complicate and nested...


    //http ://
    //https ://
    get data from WDQ and then from Wikidata API 
    WDQ doesn't store names, descriptions, or site names (though you can query if a site link exists). 
     Its purpose is to get you query results, not to be a complete Wikidata mirror. Once you have the 
     numbers from WDQ, you can get such additional data from the Wikidata API (search the page for 
     "action=wbgetentities"); just remember to prefix the numbers with a "Q" :-) 
     --Magnus Manske (talk) 17:17, 12 June 2014 (UTC)
    IntList resultListNumbers = new IntList();  
    String someDataString = "";
    int indexCurrent = 5; 
    JSONArray json2;
    void setup() {
      size(800, 300);
      JSONObject json = loadJSONObject("http:"+"//[463:7184]");
      json2 = json.getJSONArray ("items") ;
      for (int i = 0; i < min (json2.size(), 20); i++) {
        int item1 = json2.getInt(i);
      } // for 
      someDataString = getSomeDataString(); 
      println ("end of setup()");
    } // func 
    void draw() {
      String text1="";
      int counter1=0;
      int y=0;
      text ("NATO members", 30, 50);
      for (int i : resultListNumbers) {
        text1 += i+", ";
        if (counter1>10) { 
          text1 += "\n";
        } //if
      } //for
      text1 += ".";
      y += 40;
      text (text1, 30, 30+y);
      y += 40;
      text (someDataString, 30, 30+y);
      y += 40;
      text ("Please use cursor left and right.", 30, 30+y);
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Input
    void keyPressed() {
      if (key == CODED) 
        switch (keyCode) {
        case LEFT:
          if (indexCurrent<=0)
          someDataString = getSomeDataString();
        case RIGHT:
          if (indexCurrent>=json2.size())
          someDataString = getSomeDataString();
        } // switch
      } //  if (key == CODED) {
        // not CODED ---------------------- 
        switch (key) {
        } // switch
      } // else not CODED
    } // func
    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Misc
    String getSomeDataString() {
      int item1 = json2.getInt(indexCurrent);
      someDataString = indexCurrent + ": " + getName (item1) + " is ";
      someDataString += getDescription (item1) + " (" 
        + resultListNumbers.get(indexCurrent) 
        + ").";
      return someDataString;
    } // func 
    String getDescription (int numberThing ) {
      //println ("------------------------------------");
      println ("facts 1");
      String path1 = "http:"+"//";
      String path2 = numberThing + "&props=descriptions&languages=en";
      println (path1+path2);
      JSONObject json2 = loadJSONObject(path1+path2);
      //  println(json2);
      JSONObject json3 = json2.getJSONObject("entities");
      JSONObject json4 = json3.getJSONObject("Q"+numberThing);
      JSONObject json5 = json4.getJSONObject("descriptions");
      JSONObject json6 = json5.getJSONObject("en");
      String valueString = json6.getString("value");
      return valueString;
    String getName (int numberThing ) {
      //println ("------------------------------------");
      println ("facts 2");
      String path1 = "http"+"://";
      String path2 = numberThing     + "&props=labels&sites=enwiki&titles&sitefilter=enwiki&languages=en";
      println (path1+path2);
      JSONObject json2 = loadJSONObject(path1+path2);
      JSONObject json3 = json2.getJSONObject("entities");
      //  println(json3);
      JSONObject json4 = json3.getJSONObject("Q"+numberThing);
      //  println(json4);
      JSONObject json5 = json4.getJSONObject("labels");
      //  println(json5);
      JSONObject json6 = json5.getJSONObject("en");
      String valueString = json6.getString("value");
      return (valueString);
  • and the forum destroys links / urls

    you need to "http" + them

  • see

    Dan Shiffman covers the basics of XML:

  • this is amazing, thank you.

    i'll try this right now...

  • edited July 2014


    Did you make any progress?

    I dream of a sketch where you can type in

    • Which states belong to the NATO?

    and he identifies "Which states" as a question for states and "belong to the NATO" as a filter. And answers. I haven't understood it fully but as far as I see claim[463:7184] is the key: 463 means country / state and 7184 means NATO. So we have to assign certain keywords with numbers and stitch it together. ;-)

    • How many people live in France?

    • Which persons were born in Paris 1959?

    Best, Chrisir


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