keyPressed() inside a class [Eclipse]

edited November 2013 in Programming Questions

is there any way to do this? i found this thread ( from the old forum but i did not quite understand PshiLHo`s answer. can someone make it a bit clearer? example

public class GUI{

//call keypPressed some how in here


and the class with setup() and draw()

public class GUIMain extends PApplet{

void setup(){

void draw(){


public static void main(String[] args) {
        PApplet.main(new String[] { GUIMain.class.getName() });



i need to make a small gui and i think it will better to code interactivity inside this class



  • edited November 2013

    Based on my interpretation of post you linked to

    public class GUI{
      private PApplet app;
      public GUI(PApplet app) {
        super();    // this is optional for this class = app;
        // Any other setup code required for this class
      public void keyPressed(){
        // use app.key in this method
    public class GUIMain extends PApplet{
      private GUI gui;
      public void setup(){
        gui = new GUI(this);
      public void draw(){
      public void keyPressed(){
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        PApplet.main(new String[] { GUIMain.class.getName() });
  • edited November 2013 Answer ✓

    This is another way of doing it which gives your class greater control. The code registers your gui object to receive mouse and key events.

    public class GUI{
      private PApplet app;
      public GUI(PApplet app) {
        super();    // this is optional for this class = app;
        // Any other setup code required for this class
      public void mouseEvent(MouseEvent e){
        int mx = app.mouseX;
        int my = app.mouseY;
      public void keyEvent(KeyEvent e) { 
        // some useful variables that should be self explanitory
        char keyChar = e.getKey();
        int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
        int keyID = e.getAction();
        boolean shiftDown = e.isShiftDown();
        boolean ctrlDown = e.isControlDown();
    public class GUIMain extends PApplet{
      private GUI gui;
      public void setup(){
        gui = new GUI(this);
        registerMethod("mouseEvent", gui);
        registerMethod("keyEvent", gui);
      public void draw(){
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        PApplet.main(new String[] { GUIMain.class.getName() });
  • edited November 2013

    thanks Quark! the second way is the one i was looking for.

    (email notifications do not work in this forum or is it just me? i have them enabled)

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