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I made KinematikJava, a lightweight library for 6-axis manipulator kinematics.
It includes:
Translations between three different representations of frame (coordinate system): XYZABC (coordinates and Euler angles), homogenous matrix, and axes (x-axis and a point on XY plane).
Frame attachment and inverse
Forward kinematics
Inverse kinematics
The library is valid for most industrial 6-axis robots. It is tested on Kuka. The Denavit–Hartenberg parameters, the convention of Euler angles, and the shifts on the joint angles may vary with robot manufacturers.
examples and downloads:
Hello !
It sounds very cool but the examples are not very helpfull for me. I know what kinematics is but I really don't know how to use your code for the moment.
Forward & inverse kinematics concerns motion and constraints, it's a bit weird to not provide a visual example of it.
Can you add one please :)
Hello tlecoz, I added a visual example to the examples folder:
or http://www.whitegreen.org/?attachment_id=147
It uses the data of Kuka arms from RoKiSim